This Article is From Apr 18, 2016

Italy Recovers 3 Paintings Seized During World War II


Italian Carabinieri paramilitary police officers unveil the 15th century painting "Madonna with Child."

Milan: Italian authorities have recovered three 15th century paintings seized from an Italian-Luxembourg noble family during World War II.

Authorities unveiled the paintings today, all by little-known artists, at the Brera Art Gallery in Milan, where they are currently housed.

The works were among property seized from the Borbone-Parma family after Italy entered World War II, making Luxembourg an enemy state and allowing seizure of properties under wartime law. Many of the family's treasures were recovered by the U.S. military after the war, but not these paintings.

Investigators for the Carabinieri state police unit charged with protecting cultural heritage only recently traced the works to two families in Milan who had inherited them. The works, which have not been valued, are in state custody after no living descendants could be traced.