This Article is From Dec 29, 2010

Ivory Coast: West African leaders give final ultimatum to incumbent President

Ivory Coast: West African leaders give final ultimatum to incumbent President
Ivory Coast: West African leaders delivered a final ultimatum to Ivory Coast's incumbent President Laurent Gbagbo in person on Tuesday after threatening a military ouster if he doesn't accept an offer to go into exile in a neighbouring country a month after the disputed election.

The delegation was led by presidents from Sierra Leone, Cape Verde and Benin, who refused to comment to reporters after a three-hour meeting with Gbagbo.

The incumbent leader who has been in power for a decade in Ivory Coast has so far shown no interest in stepping aside despite international calls for him to go.

While internationally recognised winner Alassane Ouattara has been endorsed by most of the world, Gbagbo still maintains control of Ivory Coast's military and security forces.

The 15-nation regional bloc Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) has threatened to use "legitimate force" if Gbagbo does not relinquish power.

Nigeria has the strongest army in the region and is expected to play a major role if an operation is launched to oust Gbagbo. Ouattara's camp has been confident in recent days that such help is coming.

ECOWAS has intervened in past disputes, including the seizing of Sierra Leone's capital in 1998 that forced military junta leaders to flee and allowed an elected president to return to power.

ECOWAS also intervened in Liberia in 1990 and its forces stayed for several years, and it has sent troops to Guinea-Bissau as well.

Some analysts feel an ECOWAS mission in Ivory Coast would entail a full-scale invasion, causing numerous civilian casualties. Weeks of post election violence have left at least 173 people dead, according to the U.N. The toll is believed to be much higher: The U.N. said it has been unable to investigate reports of a mass grave because of restrictions on U.N. personnel movements.

The French government says its forces in Ivory Coast will protect French citizens but won't be making any decisions about an international military intervention.

Many Ivorians are terrified of Gbagbo's security forces. Human rights groups blame security forces associated with Gbagbo for hundreds of arrests and dozens of cases of torture and disappearances since the election.

A Gbagbo adviser has said he does not believe his supporters could be behind the violence.

On Tuesday a group of Liberians who have been living in Ivory Coast also staged a protest outside the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) in Abidjan.

The Liberians say they have been falsely accused of attacking Ivorian citizens homes and some of them have been beaten because of the reports.

Liberian refugee Jackson said the group was calling for refugee status somewhere outside of Ivory Coast.

"We are asking for security. If we can, if there is a possibility for us to leave this place and be secure somewhere else, we will be ok," he said.

Gbagbo has been in power since 2000 and had already overstayed his mandate by five years when the long-delayed presidential election was finally held in October, with the runoff coming in November.

The election was intended to help reunify a country that was divided by a 2002-2003 civil war into a rebel-controlled north and a loyalist south.

The U.N. was tasked with certifying the results of the election as part of a peace agreement that ended the civil war.

While Ivory Coast was officially reunited in a 2007 peace deal, Ouattara still draws his support from the northern half of the country, where residents feel they are often treated as foreigners within their own country by southerners.

The regional bloc ECOWAS is comprised of Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.
