This Article is From Jul 14, 2016

Jacob Lew To Return To London To Meet New British Finance Minister


US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew will visit to London again to meet new UK Finance Minister. (File Photo)

US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said he would travel to Britain for the second time in a week today to meet new finance minister Philip Hammond.

"I will be going from here to London and meeting with the new chancellor (of the exchequer) this afternoon," he told reporters in Berlin after talks with German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble.

"This is obviously a time of change. I look forward to having a discussion."

Lew had already visited London Tuesday for talks on last month's seismic Brexit referendum.

Britain's new Prime Minister Theresa May on Wednesday appointed Hammond to replace George Osborne as chancellor of the exchequer.

Osborne was the architect of the past six years of British austerity and a close friend of former prime minister David Cameron, while both had campaigned for Britain to remain in the EU.