This Article is From May 03, 2009

Lanka mulls amnesty as rebels cornered


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Colombo: With the beleaguered LTTE confined to a small area of 4.5 sq km, Sri Lankan army chief Sarath Fonseka has said the troops are consolidating their positions despite heavy attacks from remnant rebel cadres in the north, where at least 21 guerrillas were killed in intense clashes.

Meanwhile, the Lankan government said earlier that that government is mulling a general amnesty to the surrendering LTTE cadres as well as to those who are in detention in the Island country.

"Regulations are being worked out in consultation with the Attorney General and they would cover anyone who agrees to lay down weapons and surrender before the security forces," Minister for Human Rights Mahinda Samarasinghe said.

However, the amnesty will not be granted to those who have already been charged or convicted in courts.

"In these cases, the legal process will be applied," the minister told reporters.

He said an undisclosed number of LTTE members had come along with the displaced people to the camps in Wanni. "While some have confessed they are members of the LTTE, others are being investigated for their links with the group".

Samarasinghe said he was not aware of the exact number of the LTTE cadres among the displaced people but some estimates put it at 3000.

The LTTE members would be rehabilitated and later allowed to re-integrate with others once the investigators get convinced that they have shunned separatism, Samarasinghe was quoted as saying by the 'Sunday Times'.

Earlier, Fonseka said that security forces are marching forward despite heavy attacks by the LTTE, adding the Tiger rebels can do nothing as the troops are consolidating their positions in the remaining area.

The Lankan army chief had said on Saturday that the troops have also undertaken a block-up built by the LTTE rebels.

He said the two brigades of the army are now jointly launching the operations against the Tamil Tigers, who are now restricted to an area of 4.5 sq kms.

Meanwhile, an exchange of gunfire took place between the Special Task Force (STF) troops and a group of LTTE fighters, whose hiding place in the Kanchikudiaru jungle in eastern Ampara district was encircled by security forces following a tip-off.

Four LTTE cadres were killed during the incident while some others withdrew to the jungle's deep. Troops subsequently conducted a search operation in the area and recovered a huge cache of military material.