This Article is From Dec 01, 2009

Lanka opens up refugee camps, allows Tamils to visit relatives

Colombo: The government on Tuesday allowed nearly 1.30 lakh Tamil civilians housed in refugees camps in northern Sri Lanka to visit their relatives as authorities lifted restrictions on their movement.

Some 3 lakh Tamils were housed in the refugees' camps after the final stage of the government's military operations that defeated the Tamil Tiger rebels in May.

Nearly 7,000 Tamils out of the 1.28 lakh refugees in camps for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Vavuniya, located 260 kms north of Colombo, were allowed to leave the camps to meet their relatives after being registered with the authorities for the purpose.

Civilians, who have taken shelters in welfare villages, are now free to leave without any conditions, according to authorities.

There will be no restrictions imposed on the duration of their absence from the villages from Tuesday, said Risath Bathiyutheen, the Minister of Resettlement and Disaster Relief Services.

The government has declared that civilians will be free to leave the villages once they have given their personal details to the authorities concerned.

A majority of the displaced housed in the camps have already been resettled. The government has said all efforts would be made to resettle all displaced people by January 31.

All civilians of the Vavuniya welfare village from Jaffna Peninsula and Eastern Province have already been resettled, an official statement said.

The military defeated the LTTE in May, ending their 25-year violent struggle for an independent state for the minority Tamils.