This Article is From May 03, 2009

Lanka slams West, but praises India


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Colombo: Sri Lanka has criticised certain western countries for raising "ridiculous demands" including a ceasefire and amnesty for LTTE leaders in the island's northern warzone. It, however, praised India and a host of other nations for their support in eradicating terrorism.

An article posted on the Defence Ministry website said, "Some countries that portray themselves as the global guardians of human rights, had made several shameless attempts to recommend punitive action against this poor third world country, struggling to rid itself of terrorism."

Meanwhile, the Tamil Tigers appealed to Britain and France to continue with their initiatives for a ceasefire, which the Government dismissed as an "eyewash".

"We are ready to engage in the process to bring about a ceasefire and enter into negotiations for an enduring resolution to the conflict," LTTE political head B Nadesan said in a letter to Britain Foreign Secretary David Miliband and French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner.

However, the government dismissed the latest rebel move and said it had made it clear that the LTTE must lay down arms and surrender.

"Whatever the LTTE says in this connection is misleading and an eye wash. They are not at all serious about it," a defence official said.

The article said the "so-called human rights champs" tried to justify their claims saying that they were doing it for the safety of civilians, held at hostage by terrorists in island's north.