This Article is From May 29, 2009

Lawmakers urge Obama to push for Mideast peace


More than 400 US lawmakers have signed letters urging President Barack Obama to step up efforts aimed at achieving Mideast peace, officials said on Friday.

In the lower House of Representatives, 330 legislators signed a letter sponsored by Democratic majority leader Steny Hoyer and Republican minority leader Eric Cantor.

The letter was sent to the White House late Thursday, the same day Obama hosted Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas for their first Oval Office talks since the US president took power in January.

In the Senate a similar letter, signed by 76 senators, was sent to Obama last week during a visit here by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"While the obstacles are formidable, we agree with you that every effort should be made to try to realise that peace at the soonest possible time," the House letter reads.

It pointed out key priorities for the lawmakers: the parties must negotiate the peace themselves; the United States would work in close cooperation with Israel; it would insist Palestinians renounce violence and build institutions needed for a viable Palestinian state; and the United States should encourage more participation in the process by Arab states.
