During the US presidential campaign, Brazilian government officials had openly preferred Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton to Trump, viewing him as unpredictable and opposed to freer trade.
Japan's Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida says on TV it's still unclear how Trump's policy and his political leadership will affect Japan, and it may "require our flexible response." Trump has said Japan should pay more for American troops stationed in Japan under the bilateral security pact or pull them out.
Watch @POTUS address the nation on the next steps we can take to come together as a country: https://t.co/6g1AMST29u https://t.co/pxvMRA7h09
- The White House (@WhiteHouse) November 9, 2016

Win or lose in this election our mission from the start of my term was to leave this country better than where we started. And that is what we all worked towards and we must be proud of all that we have achieved. Everybody gets sad when their candidate loses, but we must remember that we all are on the same team, said US President

"To all the little girls watching...never doubt that you are valuable and powerful & deserving of every chance & opportunity in the world."
- Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 9, 2016
"To Barack and Michelle Obama, our country owes you an enormous debt of gratitude. We thank you for your graceful, determined leadership."
- Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 9, 2016

"Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead." -Hillary
- Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 9, 2016
Hillary Clinton is giving her concession speech.
UN counts on Donald Trump to combat climate change, advance rights: Ban Ki Moon
Mexican stocks plunge 3.18 percent after Trump victory
Gaga is holding a protest against Donald Trump outside Trump Tower pic.twitter.com/KTNUpc4Ivj
- Common Girl (@FIirtationship) November 9, 2016
Congratulations to President-elect @realDonaldTrump on his victory. The WTO stands ready to work with the new administration
- Roberto Azevêdo (@WTODGAZEVEDO) November 9, 2016
In Europe, Germany's DAX was down 0.9 per cent at 10,384 while the FTSE 100 index of leading British shares was 0.2 per cent lower at 6,832.
US stocks are expected to open lower, too, though by far less than earlier predicted. Dow futures are 1.3 per cent lower at 18,057 while the broader S&P 500 futures were down 1.5 per cent at 2,103.
Italy's premier has offered his congratulations to Donald Trump, brushing aside political differences, following his repeated public endorsements of Hillary Clinton.
Premier Matteo Renzi says Wednesday "in the name of Italy, I congratulate the president of the United States and wish him well in his work, convinced that the Italian-American friendship remains strong and solid."
Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway says Hillary Clinton had more money and more people on the ground - but, Team Trump "outworked them, and frankly, we outsmarted and outclassed them in some cases."

Hillary Clinton will be speaking to her supporters Wednesday ( morning for US and tonight for Indian viewers). It will be her first public remarks since her stunning defeat to Donald Trump in the US presidential election.
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vows to work 'very closely' with Donald Trump

President Barack Obama invited Trump to meet with him at the White House on Thursday to discuss transition, and the White House said the president planned to address the election results in a statement Wednesday. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama called Trump to congratulate him and also called Clinton to convey his admiration for the "strong campaign she waged throughout the country."

Such a beautiful and important evening! The forgotten man and woman will never be forgotten again. We will all come together as never before
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2016

Congratulations @realDonaldTrump on being elected as the 45th US President.
- Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) November 9, 2016
We appreciate the friendship you have articulated towards India during your campaign, @realDonaldTrump.
- Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) November 9, 2016
We look forward to working with you closely to take India-US bilateral ties to a new height. @realDonaldTrump
- Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) November 9, 2016

This is an embarrassing night for America. We've let a hatemonger lead our great nation. We've let a bully set our course. I'm devastated.
- Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) November 9, 2016
A leader like Trump connects with our meanness He tells us don't feel guilty there are many as vicious as you are . We love him for it .
- Javed Akhtar (@Javedakhtarjadu) November 9, 2016
Donald Duck waddling to the White House doesn't seem to be just a surreal nightmare. Misogyny plays its trump card and wins..
- Twinkle Khanna (@mrsfunnybones) November 9, 2016
Uttar Pradesh: Locals in Jabrauli village, adopted by @ClintonFdn, pray for #Hillary's win over #Trump on #ElectionNight #Elections2016: ANI pic.twitter.com/Wx0HKCmcvs
- NDTV (@ndtv) November 9, 2016
The world is flat... there's life on Mars... the Cubs win the World Series... and Trump is defeats Clinton?
- Billy Baldwin (@BillyBaldwin) November 9, 2016
What's happened to our country?
Never before have I witnessed a more disturbing display of anger, fear & ignorance trumping logic, intelligence, common sense & compassion.
- Billy Baldwin (@BillyBaldwin) November 9, 2016
God is moving .....
- Stephen Baldwin (@StephenBaldwin7) November 9, 2016
& America is speaking !!
PTL@realdonaldtrump @KellyannePolls #MakeAmericaGreatAgain#GodBlessAmerica pic.twitter.com/yiSUfIJQvG
Soon the REAL work begins ... to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain !
- Stephen Baldwin (@StephenBaldwin7) November 9, 2016
Proud to have been a part of such amazing history !!@realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/YDWANm2YEZ

Spending #ElectionNight a mile apart in New York, #Hillary and #Trump supporters display contrasting emotions#Elections2016 #NDTVresults pic.twitter.com/Ahnp8k187i
- NDTV (@ndtv) November 9, 2016

#USElection2016 | #HillaryClinton vs #DonaldTrump - how numbers stack up #NDTVresults #ElectionNight
- NDTV (@ndtv) November 9, 2016
Live updates: https://t.co/fWC20ay1PZ pic.twitter.com/wZhWIniGs4

The New York Times forecast all but declares a Trump presidency.

#ElectionNight | #HillaryClinton vs #DonaldTrump - #NDTVResults so far
- NDTV (@ndtv) November 9, 2016
Live updates #Elections2016 here: https://t.co/fWC20ay1PZ pic.twitter.com/ntcRxuzGRo

Watching the returns at 9:45pm. #ElectionNight #MAGA🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/HfuJeRZbod
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2016

The NYT algorithm is now predicting a 53 percent chance that Trump will win https://t.co/onRRUwec9B
- Nicholas Kristof (@NickKristof) November 9, 2016
In the "war room" watching the returns!!! pic.twitter.com/hOgrQPtgSh
- Eric Trump (@EricTrump) November 9, 2016

Such a surreal moment to vote for my father for President of the United States! Make your voice heard and vote! #Election2016 #MAGA #Voted pic.twitter.com/UBgHJcuQGB
- Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) November 9, 2016
Trump cake memes going strong #ElectionNight pic.twitter.com/oxjcKdQxSl
- Gissur Simonarson (@GissiSim) November 8, 2016
Clinton is winning Vermont, Illinois, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and District of Columbia.
Trump is winning Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Mississippi and Alabama.

Donald Trump is projected to win Mississippi and Oklahoma.
Polls in 16 more states close in about 15 minutes. #Election2016 pic.twitter.com/wQw3xslQSF
- AP Politics (@AP_Politics) November 9, 2016
#USElection2016 | #DonaldTrump to hold his #ElectionNight event at New York Hilton Midtown
- NDTV (@ndtv) November 9, 2016
Live updates: https://t.co/fWC20ay1PZ pic.twitter.com/hVmRAYlbty

#USElection2016 | Awaiting results on #ElectionNight, #HillaryClinton stands under real glass ceiling Javits Center https://t.co/fWC20ay1PZ pic.twitter.com/G3UZQ7g7hK
- NDTV (@ndtv) November 9, 2016
.@NCSBE votes to extend voting time in eight Durham Co. precincts. #ncpol #Election2016
- NCSBE (@NCSBE) November 9, 2016

#USElection2016 | With three states called, Republican #DonaldTrump grabs early lead in electoral votes #ElectionNight
- NDTV (@ndtv) November 9, 2016
(Credit: AP) pic.twitter.com/uhQy2iTXMQ

Thank you Indiana for making our state first on the board to vote to Make America Great Again! @realDonaldTrump
- Mike Pence (@mike_pence) November 9, 2016

While in India, most TV channels start announcing trends for seats, all US TV networks and, increasingly, news websites, start calling or declaring states in favour of one or the other Presidential candidate within minutes of voting ending in that state.
This declaration of the winner of a state is based on previous voting patterns (who has won that state for years) and exit polls.
Where the counting is closer, as in the Battleground States, the networks wait until they have much more actual voting data before projecting a state in favour of a particular candidate.
The incident occurred on Tuesday evening outside the voting locationlocated roughly 30 miles outside Los Angeles.
One male voter told CNN he was inside when he heard a bunch of shots ring out and people from outside starting to run in before officials locked the doors.

This is the Trump campaign "victory" cake. They're ... they're going to eat his head. (via @jimgeraghty) pic.twitter.com/bh1EuCzzE9
- shauna 🗳 VOTE TODAY (@goldengateblond) November 8, 2016
The final countdown. Media risers packed, not an inch to move, huge anticipation as we look down at stage where @HillaryClinton will speak pic.twitter.com/NjtLK1BlKb
- barkha dutt (@BDUTT) November 8, 2016
At least 2,000 people are already waiting inside the New York City convention center where Hillary Clinton is scheduled to hold her election night party.
Most people are sitting on the floor in an area the size of an airplane hangar. A handful of women are wearing pantsuits to honor Clinton.

"Don't let up, keep getting out to vote - this election is FAR FROM OVER! We are doing well but there is much time left. GO FLORIDA!" Trump tweeted.
CNN's Exit Poll says 70 per cent of voters are white and remaining 30 per cent are black.
I will be watching the election results from Trump Tower in Manhattan with my family and friends. Very exciting!
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 8, 2016
I had six stiff drinks and then voted. #RockTheVote pic.twitter.com/0EOcZPSCsC
- Conan O'Brien (@ConanOBrien) November 8, 2016
The fact is, despite all the nervous introspection, both Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump are likely to be reliable for Israel, continuing the broad policy mix US presidents have pursued since the 1980s.

After earlier publishing Clinton's diplomatic cables and indexing her emails, "we are seen as domain experts on Clinton archives. So it is natural that Clinton sources come to us," Assange said in a statement.
Just another adorable deplorable ready to see Grandpa take home a victory! #MAGA #Election2016 pic.twitter.com/CU6peCYbuI
- Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 8, 2016
The lawsuit, filed in a Nevada state court on Monday, said election officials violated state law because they allowed people to join the line after 8 pm at a polling location at a Latino market.
The Democrats' hopes of making major gains in the Republican-controlled US House of Representatives and Senate had been dampened in the closing days of the election campaign even if their nominee, Hillary Clinton, wins the White House.

Eric Trump may have broken New York state law by tweeting a photo of his completed ballot.
The second son of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump tweeted a photo of a ballot with the oval over his father's name filled in on Tuesday.
The tweet said "It is an incredible honor to vote for my father! He will do such a great job for the U.S.A!" It was later deleted from Trump's Twitter account.

"At first we sold more 'caganers' of Donald Trump but Hillary Clinton has been catching up and at the moment we also have no idea who will come out on top," said Marc Alos, owner of retailer caganer.com.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump casts vote in historic US election

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton cookies at the Oakmont Bakery today in Oakmont. (AFP)
I wanted to be first at my polling place, but 99-year-old Minerva Turpin beat me to it. Looks like I need to get used to being number two! pic.twitter.com/9YvWOjuKUe
- Senator Tim Kaine (@timkaine) November 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton, Democratic nominee in US polls, casts her vote in New York along with husband and former president Bill Clinton.

Voters in nine states got first crack at electing the new president, with the rest of the country due to get started later in the day.
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton held a four percentage point lead over Republican Donald Trump in the ABC News/Washington Post poll released on Monday, one day before the US presidential election.

Female tiger Yunona favoured a pumpkin carved with the image of Clinton, the Democratic nominee, while polar bear Felix opted after some deliberation for one bearing the name of Republican candidate Trump.
A Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation poll gave Clinton a 90 percent chance of defeating Trump and said she was on track to win 303 Electoral College votes out of 270 needed, to Trump's 235.
A record 46.2 million of the estimated 200 million voters have exercised their franchise in the 2016 US presidential elections before the official voting day, surpassing the 2012 record when 32.3 million people had voted in advance, news agency Press Trust Of India reported

Indians perform a prayer with a photograph of US Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at a temple in Varanasi as US votes for new president.

The US presidential election got underway -- on a small scale -- as seven people in a tiny New Hampshire village cast their ballots at the stroke of midnight." itemprop="description