8 years ago
Watch US election results 2016 live on NDTV and follow updates here. The entire world witnessed a stunning victory of Donald Trump over heavily favored Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House.
Brazil and Japan congratulate Trump but worry about his policies

During the US presidential campaign, Brazilian government officials had openly preferred Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton to Trump, viewing him as unpredictable and opposed to freer trade.

Japan's Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida says on TV it's still unclear how Trump's policy and his political leadership will affect Japan, and it may "require our flexible response." Trump has said Japan should pay more for American troops stationed in Japan under the bilateral security pact or pull them out.
For those, who want to hear the speech again, Watch below

And, US President returned with Vice President Joe Biden

Young people must not get cynical. After this outcome, don't ever think that you can't make a difference: Barack Obama

'We are all rooting for Trump success': says Barack Obama
We are all on the same team: Barack Obama
Win or lose in this election our mission from the start of my term was to leave this country better than where we started. And that is what we all worked towards and we must be proud of all that we have achieved. Everybody gets sad when their candidate loses, but we must remember that we all are on the same team, said US President
I have had differences with Trump, but will ensure smooth transition of powers, as was the case with the Bush campaign: Barack Obama
I am proud of Hillary Clinton and am confident that she will continue to do good work for people of America: Barack Obama
US President Barack Obama addresses the nation on elections
Husband Bill and daughter Chelsea stood close to Hillary Clinton as she gave her concession speech

After her concession speech, Hillary Clinton moves into the crowd and hugs welled up supporters.
God Bless us and God bless United States of America, Hillary Clinton signs off.
Let us have faith in each other. Let us not grow weary. Let us not lose heart. For there are more seasons to come and...more work to do, said Hillary Clinton with her held high.
"I am grateful to our country for all it has given me. I count my blessings every day that I am an American.": Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton, in her speech, says: "This loss hurts. But please never stop believing that fighting for what's right is worth it."

To Bill, Chelsea, Marc, Charlotte, Aidan, our brothers, and our entire family-my love for you means more than I can ever express: Hillary Clinton in her address in NewYork
Hillary Clinton thanks US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle

Hillary Clinton thanks her vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine.
A straight faced Hillary Clinton said, "Our constitutional democracy demands our participation, not just every four years, but all the time."

We have seen that our nation is more deeply divided than we thought. But I still believe in America-and I always will: Hillary Clinton

This is not the outcome we wanted. I'm sorry we did not win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country, said an emotional Hillary Clinton.
I hope Donald Trump will be a successful President for all Amercans: Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton is giving her concession speech.

UN Chief's Message For US President-elect Trump
UN counts on Donald Trump to combat climate change, advance rights: Ban Ki Moon
House Republican leader Paul Ryan, congratulates Donald Trump says he will stay on as speaker.

Mexican stocks plunge 3.18 percent after Trump victory
...Meanwhile, Lady Gaga joins protests against President-Elect Trump

Donald Trump Victory Speech Helps Soothe Market Concerns

In Europe, Germany's DAX was down 0.9 per cent at 10,384 while the FTSE 100 index of leading British shares was 0.2 per cent lower at 6,832.

US stocks are expected to open lower, too, though by far less than earlier predicted. Dow futures are 1.3 per cent lower at 18,057 while the broader S&P 500 futures were down 1.5 per cent at 2,103.

Italy's premier, who had endorsed Hillary, congratulates Donald Trump

Italy's premier has offered his congratulations to Donald Trump, brushing aside political differences, following his repeated public endorsements of Hillary Clinton.

Premier Matteo Renzi says Wednesday "in the name of Italy, I congratulate the president of the United States and wish him well in his work, convinced that the Italian-American friendship remains strong and solid."
We 'Outsmarted' Clinton Campaign: Trump Campaign Manager

Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway says Hillary Clinton had more money and more people on the ground - but, Team Trump "outworked them, and frankly, we outsmarted and outclassed them in some cases."

Mexican president says ready to work with US President-elect Trump
Hillary Clinton Will Address Supporters today

Hillary Clinton will be speaking to her supporters Wednesday ( morning for US and tonight for Indian viewers). It will be her first public remarks since her stunning defeat to Donald Trump in the US presidential election.

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vows to work 'very closely' with Donald Trump

Outgoing US President Obama Invites Trump To White House

President Barack Obama invited Trump to meet with him at the White House on Thursday to discuss transition, and the White House said the president planned to address the election results in a statement Wednesday. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama called Trump to congratulate him and also called Clinton to convey his admiration for the "strong campaign she waged throughout the country."
Outgoing POTUS Obama called President-Elect Trump to congratulate him, said The White House
A state-wise tally of Trump vs Hillary

The President-elect tweets:

Scenes from Donald Trump's speech after winning

A map of how America has voted

Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulates Donald Trump.
President-elect Trump descends from stage to mingle with the cheering crowd

The work on this campaign is only just beginning. We will do such a great job that you will be so proud of your President. It's been an honour and I love this country: Donald Trump

It's been what they call a historic event but for it to be historic, we have to do a great job and we will: Donald Trump
This political stuff is nasty and it was tough. You have all given me such support: Donald Trump

To Melania and Don and Ivanka and Eric and Tiffany, I love you and thank you: Donald Trump
Forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. We will rebuild our infrastructure which will be second to none: Donald Trump
We have a great economic plan, we will double our growth. At the same time, we will get along with every country willing to get along: Donald Trump

Ours was not a campaign but an incredible movement made up of hard-working men and women who want a better future for them and their family: Donald Trump
I pledge to all citizens, I will be President for every American: Donald Trump

I just received a call from Secretary Clinton. She congratulated us on our victory and I congratulated her on her hard-fought campaign. We owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service: Donald Trump
Mike Pence introduces President-Elect Donald Trump, who makes the grandest of entries. The crowd erupts
It is my privilege to serve as the Vice President of America. I come to this moment deeply humbled, grateful to God ad my family: Mike Pence
This is a historic night. The American people have spoken and the American people have elected their new champion: Republican Vice-President Elect Mike Pence
Hillary Clinton has called Donald Trump to concede, reports AFP quoting CNN and BBC.
Donald Trump wins Wisconsin, says Associated Press. The state has 10 electoral votes. With 274 votes, Donald Trump is now President Elect of the United States.
"We are not done yet. Let's get those votes counted. We'll have more to say tomorrow," Hillary Clinton's campaign chief John Podesta.

Hillary Clinton will not make a concession speech tonight, sources tell NDTV's Namrata Brar.
With the last big swing state going to Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton's hopes for a victory are practically dashed. Trump now 264-215 over Clinton. Trump needs six more electoral votes to reach the 270 midway mark.
Donald Trump wins Pennsylvania, says Associated Press. The state has 20 votes.
Captain America is not feeling up to it either.
Donald Trump's apparent victory has also triggered reactions in India.
The Baldwin brothers, who had a fallout on Twitter over their support for different candidates, tweeted this today:
All polls at 5 am were giving Donald Trump a 10-15 per cent chance of winning. Now its 95 per cent. Startling change, says Prannoy Roy.

Even though it seems extremely unlikely, there is still a possibility for Hillary Clinton to steal a victory from this upset. It could also be a tie with 269-269, say the experts.

Donald Trump supporters could not be happier right now. (AFP)

Hillary Clinton wins Nevada, says Associated Press. The state has six votes.
Over five hours into counting, Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton 238-209 in the race to reach the halfway mark of 270 electoral votes.

The New York Times forecast all but declares a Trump presidency.

Donald Trump takes Iowa with its six votes, says Associated Press.
A sense of complete disbelief has descended on Clinton HQ in New York, reports Barkha Dutt. "A critique being heard often is that Hillary Clinton did not have a clear message, other than standing for a broad inclusiveness and liberalism. She wasn't a disruptor like Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump. And she misread the anger among white working class men," she says.

"I am surprised (with the results) because the mainstream media was against him, the moneybags were against, him... the manner in which the President and his wife lobbied for her (Hillary), she got more money than her... and he's still making it," says Kanwal Sibal, Former Foreign Secretary.

Donald Trump wins Utah. That's another six votes in his favour, says the Associated Press. Tally now at 238-209 in his favour.
Indian-American Kamala Harris scripts history, wins US Senate seat from California, says Press Trust of India.
Donald Trump wins Georgia, says Associated Press. The state has 16 votes.
Hillary Clinton wins Washington, says Associated Press. Tally now stands at 209-216 in favour of Donald Trump.
This is going as expected. Ohio, North Carolina, Florida - we are looking forward to celebrating tonight, says Katrina Pierson, Trump campaign spokesperson.

Supporters of Donald Trump at the New York Hilton Midtown clearly elated by the results so far. (AFP)

Donald Trump wins North Carolina, says Associated Press.
As expected Donald Trump wins Idaho, Hillary Clinton takes California, Oregon, Hawaii, says Associated Press.
Over here, the Sensex is down 1,800 points. Read.

Donald Trump wins key swing state Florida, say US networks. A huge 29 votes in his bag.
John McCain wins Arizona Senate race, says Associated Press.
Hillary Clinton wins Virginia and Colorado, says Associated Press. That's 13 and 9 votes for her.
'President Trump' is now trending on Twitter in India. A sign of things to come?

Why do you want to speak to me, can't you see the horror in my eyes? A Hillary Clinton supporter told NDTV's Namrata Brar. There are signs of despair, people have begun leaving Clinton HQ.

This is how the dials of The New York Times predictive algorithm look like right now.

And markets have plunged worldwide as Donald Trump suddenly takes a very, very wide lead. Wall Street, Dow Jones Industrial Average futures were down more than 400 points, or roughly 2 percent. The Standard & Poor's 500-stock index sank 63 points, while Nasdaq dropped more than 100 points.
Donald Trump takes key state Ohio, US networks say. That's 18 crucial votes to him. Also wins Missouri with 10 votes.
Hillary Clinton wins New Mexico, says Associated Press. That's five votes in her basket. Tally at 140-109 in favour of Hillary Clinton.
Here's how the New York Times forecast of the results looks right now:

Donald Trump wins Montana, says Associated Press.
A Donald Trump supporter watches the results pouring in at the New York Hilton Midtown. (AFP)

Three hours into counting, Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton 140-104 in the race to 270 electoral votes out of 538.
Donald Trump continues to enjoy the support of the Hindu-American community, says Shalabh Kumar, a key Trump supporter. The race however remains a close call, he adds.

(If Trump wins) the hope is that his advisers will have more realistic policy and manage to bring Donald Trump towards the centre from the rather extravagant statements he has made, says Marti G Subrahmanyam, Professor of Finance at the Stern School of Business.

Hillary Clinton supporters on the edge of the seat as key states still are difficult to call and Trump shows a lead in electoral votes. (AFP)

Donald Trump 'stands a good chance', says The New York Times
House speaker Paul Ryan, as expected, is going back to Congress, reports Associated Press.
Eric Trump, Donald's second son, gives us a peek inside Trump tower:
Hillary Clinton supporters very, very anxious. People are trying to keep the morale up at Clinton HQ, reports NDTV's Barkha Dutt.

Hillary Clinton wins Connecticut and Donald Trump gets Louisiana, says Associated Press.
A man vacuums US national flags on the stage that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will speak later during election night at the New York Hilton Midtown.

Two hours into counting, Donald Trump is leading Hillary Clinton 129-97 in the race to reach 270 electoral votes.
Donald Trump wins Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska, says The New York Times.
Another batch of (expected) results. Hillary Clinton gets New York and Donald Trump wins Texas, says Associated Press.
Republicans set to keep House of Representatives majority: US networks
And they said Donald Trump doesn't have young supporters?
With just about 9 per cent of votes yet to be counted, Donald Trump is leading in Florida by 1.3 per cent. Clinton HQ has fallen silent, reports NDTV's Namrata Brar.
And this airline's ad takes a dig at Donald Trump. Read.

Meanwhile, that Trump cake photo has already met the internet.
US representative Todd Young has won his senate race in Indiana, the AP projects.
About 90 minutes into counting, here's where we stand: Hillary Clinton has a wafer-thin lead over Donald Trump in the race to win 270 electoral votes (out of 538) at 68-66, says CNN.

Clinton is winning Vermont, Illinois, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and District of Columbia.

Trump is winning Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Mississippi and Alabama.
People cheer elections returns during election night at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York - Hillary Clinton's HQ for the night. (AFP)

Donald Trump has won Tennessee which has 11 electoral votes, say US networks.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump now neck and neck in Florida at 48.5 per cent with 85 per cent of the results in, says CNN.
Hillary Clinton now leads Donald Trump 68-48 in the race to 270. Six states have gone to Trump and eight to Clinton, says CNN.
Hillary Clinton wins New Jersey says The New York Times.
US networks call South Carolina for Donald Trump.
Republican Marco Rubio of Florida re-elected to the Senate, says Associated Press.
A bunch of results quickly stream in. District of Columbia, Massachusetts, Maryland, Delaware, Illinois and Rhode Island have been called for Hillary Clinton by ABC News.

Donald Trump is projected to win Mississippi and Oklahoma.
A cake that looks like Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is on display at his election night event at the New York Hilton Midtown. (AFP)

CNN reports Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton 24-3 in the race to the 270 electoral vote majority.
Voting hours have been extended in eight precincts of the battleground state of North Carolina after problems with electronic voting systems. The county is a Democratic stronghold thanks in part to a large African-American population that has traditionally backed the party.
Donald Trump's campaign chief Kellyanne Conway tells ABC News that Donald Trump has brought the Republican Party away from being dangerously becoming the party of the elites.

One person has died in the shooting Southern California and three others are wounded.
The Associated Press calls West Virginia for Donald Trump. The state has 5 electoral votes out of the 538.
And Donald Trump closes the gap in Florida. CNN is reporting that with 15 per cent of the vote counted in the key swing state, Donald Trump has 51 per cent support to Hillary Clinton's 46 per cent.
But on the other hand...Vigo County in Indiana, which has voted for the winner of every presidential election since Eisenhower, has gone for Donald Trump.
With 8 per cent of the votes counted, Hillary Clinton has taken a 5 per cent lead over Donald Trump in the key swing state of Florida. America's "election oracle" Nate Silver says if Clinton takes Florida, her chances of winning the polls shoot up to 93 per cent.

Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia are too close to call, say US networks, reports AFP.
Donald Trump's running mate and Indiana governor Mike Pence thanks voters in his state.
But what is interesting is that neither Georgia nor South Carolina were called as soon as they closed voting. These are traditionally Republican strongholds.
No surprises here as the Associated Press also calls Kentucky, Indiana for Trump while Vermont goes to Hillary Clinton.
CNN declares Kentucky, Indiana going to Donald Trump.

Donald Trump has chosen a Hilton hotel in New York for his "victory rally". Why not one of his own hotels? Because this one has more space, reports NDTV's Sreenivasan Jain from Trump HQ.

With minutes to go for the first projected results, here's quick recap of how they work.

While in India, most TV channels start announcing trends for seats, all US TV networks and, increasingly, news websites, start calling or declaring states in favour of one or the other Presidential candidate within minutes of voting ending in that state.

This declaration of the winner of a state is based on previous voting patterns (who has won that state for years) and exit polls.

Where the counting is closer, as in the Battleground States, the networks wait until they have much more actual voting data before projecting a state in favour of a particular candidate.
There's been a record turnout of Hispanic voters, almost at par with African American voters - which is a good sign for Hillary Clinton, says NDTV's Namrata Brar.
A polling location in Azusa, California, is currently on lockdown after a shooting happened nearby which injured at least two persons, authorities said.

The incident occurred on Tuesday evening outside the voting locationlocated roughly 30 miles outside Los Angeles.

One male voter told CNN he was inside when he heard a bunch of shots ring out and people from outside starting to run in before officials locked the doors.
Los Angeles polling station on lockdown after shots are heard, at least two wounded, reports CNN
NDTV's Namrata Brar, a US citizen, gives us a walkthrough of the voting process in New York.

For The Food Lovers....Trump's Cakey Head On Its Way To Trump Tower

Final Countdown Begins, Media Risers Packed In New York

Hillary Clinton's Stage Getting Prepped Up In New York

At least 2,000 people are already waiting inside the New York City convention center where Hillary Clinton is scheduled to hold her election night party.

Most people are sitting on the floor in an area the size of an airplane hangar. A handful of women are wearing pantsuits to honor Clinton.

Donald Trump in last-minute appeal to voters: 'Don't let up'

"Don't let up, keep getting out to vote - this election is FAR FROM OVER! We are doing well but there is much time left. GO FLORIDA!" Trump tweeted.

CNN's US Election Exit Poll Reveals Majority of voters are white

CNN's Exit Poll says 70 per cent of voters are white and remaining 30 per cent are black.
Donald Trump Will Watch Election Result From Trump Tower

The 'High' Voter

As US election results draw closer, Israelis Fret, But Either Is A Likely Ally

The fact is, despite all the nervous introspection, both Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump are likely to be reliable for Israel, continuing the broad policy mix US presidents have pursued since the 1980s.
Juliane Assange says WikiLeaks not trying to influence US election

After earlier publishing Clinton's diplomatic cables and indexing her emails, "we are seen as domain experts on Clinton archives. So it is natural that Clinton sources come to us," Assange said in a statement.
Trump's Jolly Family Gets Ready For Results

Donald Trump Campaign Sues In Nevada Over Las Vegas Polling Place

The lawsuit, filed in a Nevada state court on Monday, said election officials violated state law because they allowed people to join the line after 8 pm at a polling location at a Latino market.

Democrats Hold Slight Edge In Contest To Control US Senate

The Democrats' hopes of making major gains in the Republican-controlled US House of Representatives and Senate had been dampened in the closing days of the election campaign even if their nominee, Hillary Clinton, wins the White House.
Donald Trump's son tweets photo of completed ballot and deletes it

Eric Trump may have broken New York state law by tweeting a photo of his completed ballot.

The second son of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump tweeted a photo of a ballot with the oval over his father's name filled in on Tuesday.

The tweet said "It is an incredible honor to vote for my father! He will do such a great job for the U.S.A!" It was later deleted from Trump's Twitter account.
US Elections Turn Spain Naughty; Clinton, Trump 'Pooper' Figurines On Sale

"At first we sold more 'caganers' of Donald Trump but Hillary Clinton has been catching up and at the moment we also have no idea who will come out on top," said Marc Alos, owner of retailer
Donald Trump casts vote in historic US election

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump casts vote in historic US election
Temperature Set Right...Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Now Feature on Cookies

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton cookies at the Oakmont Bakery today in Oakmont. (AFP)
When Democrat Vice Presidential Candidate Cast his vote in US elections

The world watches as America votes for the Presidential elections

The Clinton Couple cast their vote in the US Presidential elections

Hillary Clinton, Democratic nominee in US polls, casts her vote in New York along with husband and former president Bill Clinton.

Polls Open In Pivotal US Presidential Election

Voters in nine states got first crack at electing the new president, with the rest of the country due to get started later in the day.
Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump 47-43 Per Cent In White House Race: Poll

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton held a four percentage point lead over Republican Donald Trump in the ABC News/Washington Post poll released on Monday, one day before the US presidential election.
Tiger Tips Hillary Clinton, Bear Backs Donald Trump In Zoo's Mock Vote

Female tiger Yunona favoured a pumpkin carved with the image of Clinton, the Democratic nominee, while polar bear Felix opted after some deliberation for one bearing the name of Republican candidate Trump.
Hillary Clinton has 90 percent chance of defeating Trump: Poll
A Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation poll gave Clinton a 90 percent chance of defeating Trump and said she was on track to win 303 Electoral College votes out of 270 needed, to Trump's 235.
Chanakya The Fish Has A Prediction For US Polls. And It Is...
 Donald Trump will win, predicts a political pundit in Chennai, hours ahead of the American vote. This expert has gills and makes its assessments underwater.

Meet Chanakya the fish. It opted for the Republican candidate when pictures of the two rivals were introduced in two floats inside its aquarium.

The event was organised to spread awareness about the eradication of mosquitoes, but the prediction for the world's most watched polls, by a fish, naturally was the highlight.
Early voter turnout reflects change in voting pattern: Experts
Experts said the massive turn out in 2016 general elections in early voting reflects the change in the voting patterns of Americans.

"Some voters are clearly changing as they opted to vote early instead of the election day," said Michael McDonald, an early-voting expert who runs the elections project.

He, however, said that high level of early voting may also be a sign of increased overall turnout.
Experts said the massive turn out in 2016 general elections in early voting reflects the change in the voting patterns of Americans.
Record 46.2 Million Votes In Early Voting In US Presidential Polls
A record 46.2 million of the estimated 200 million voters have exercised their franchise in the 2016 US presidential elections before the official voting day, surpassing the 2012 record when 32.3 million people had voted in advance, news agency Press Trust Of India reported

Indians perform a prayer with a photograph of US Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at a temple in Varanasi as US votes for new president.

New Hampshire Hamlet Gets US Election Day Rolling
The US presidential election got underway -- on a small scale -- as seven people in a tiny New Hampshire village cast their ballots at the stroke of midnight." itemprop="description
Voting begins for 2016 US presidential election