This Article is From Jul 11, 2022

London Train Tracks Burst Into Flames Amid Soaring Temperatures In UK

The Met Office in the UK has issued an extreme weather warning in order to warn people of potential health and transport issues caused by the heat.

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The fire has since been extinguished.

Train tracks caught fire on a bridge in London on July 11 after a spark ignited timber beams amid soaring temperatures in the city. 

According to the Express, the incident occurred on the track between Wandsworth Road and London Victoria. Taking to Twitter, Steve White, managing director of Southeastern Railway, shared an image of the blaze and expressed his thanks to the rail company and the London Fire Brigade for responding promptly to the fire. 

In response, Network Rail Southeast also shared an image of the fire and stressed that the heat was “going to be a serious challenge” in the coming week. 

In a separate post, the organisation explained how the tracks had caught ablaze. It said that wheel timbers on the bridge caught fire as they are very dry. However, the organisation also added that they “don't know for sure, it's possible a stray spark set them alight.”

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Further, Network Rail assured that an inspection had “passed the line fit for operation”. It would still be looking into whether the tracks needed replacing in the wake of the incident, the organisation stated. 


Meanwhile, this incident happened as the nation is experiencing usually high temperatures. According to BBC, temperatures in the United Kingdom are expected to climb to 34 degrees celsius. The Met Office issued an extreme weather warning in order to warn people of potential health and transport issues caused by the heat. 

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Level three heat-health alerts are reportedly in place across the south, the Midlands and eastern part of England. Officials advised people to stay indoors where possible and drink plenty of fluid to cope with the heat. They have said that the heat-health alerts are expected to stay in place until next weekend. 
