This Article is From Mar 22, 2010

London woman held for noisy sex romps

London: Nightmare neighbour, Caroline Cartwright, who was given a sex Asbo to prevent noisy sessions has been arrested after failing to keep the lid on her love-making.

Cartwright avoided jail in January when a judge at Newcastle Crown Court handed her a suspended prison sentence after she was caught breaching a four-year Asbo, banning her from having loud sex sessions.

But two months after her court case, Cartwright of Hall Road is said to be at it again and has been arrested and hauled before magistrates.

The 49-year-old has now been thrown back into a bail hostel to keep her and husband Steve apart while the courts decide what to do next.

She has moved her bed into the dining room downstairs so the pair could continue their romps in an attempt not to disturb the neighbours.

But their love-making has got them into hot water again.

"This is just ridiculous... You couldn't hear that much because the bed is downstairs in the dining room and not in the bedroom. The police came to arrest me and lock me up. I spent the night in the cells. They said they believed I had breached the Asbo again because two neighbours said they heard us. It was only 10 minutes, not like the two-hour sessions we used to have.", she said.

For almost four years, neighbours have been angry at the goings-on at the Cartwright household.

Their loud marathon sex sessions were driving neighbours mad with their moans, groans and bed-banging.

The accusations caused magistrates last year to lock Cartwright behind bars after she broke the four-year ban that prevented her from making excessive noise anywhere in England and Wales.

But after 10 days she was then sent to the bail hostel while she waited for her trial, and was told she couldn't return home to Steve (48).

In January she pleaded guilty to three breaches of the Asbo and was jailed for eight weeks, suspended for 12 months, with 12 months supervision.

But Cartwright is now back in the same hostel as before and on bail until her committal hearing on May 13.

"This is causing stress on our marriage. We aren't doing it as much as we used to because it's not exactly relaxing knowing that everyone is listening for you to make a noise," Cartwright said.

"We aren't even sleeping together every night because I have been in a hostel for so long that I've got used to sleeping alone," she added.
