Madhav sworn in as Nepal PM

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Kathmandu: Veteran Communist leader Madhav Kumar Nepal was on Monday sworn in as the Prime Minister of Nepal, ending the week-long political crisis and easing the Maoists out of power after a short stint.

Fifty-six-year-old Nepal, who was elected unopposed as the Prime Minister on Saturday by the Constituent Assembly, was sworn-in by President Ram Baran Yadav at 11 am.

A mini-cabinet of four-five ministers are expected to sworn-in later in the day.


Following is the chronology of some important developments in the recent history of Nepal:

November 2006: The government and Maoist rebels sign a historic peace accord.

April 2007: Maoists rebels join interim government.
September 2007: Maoists quit interim government to press demand for monarchy to be scrapped.

December 2007: Parliament approves abolition of monarchy as part of peace deal with Maoists, who agree to re-join government. Mainstream parties and the Maoists agree to hold elections by mid-April 2008.

April 10, 2008: Nepal votes in elections for a constituent assembly to rewrite the country's constitution. The Maoists win 220 of 601 seats in the elections.

May 27, 2008: The new Constituent Assembly is sworn in.

May 28, 2008: Nepal becomes Republic and 240-year-old monarchy abolished.

June 12, 2008: Seven Maoist ministers resign from Prime Minister G P Koirala's government in a row over who should be the next head of state.

July 15, 2008: Major political parties fail to agree on a common candidate for Nepal's first  president, vice president, forcing a poll for the posts on July 19.
July 19, 2008: Constituent Assembly fails to elect president after none of the candidates get mandatory 298 votes. Decide to hold run-off on July 21. However, Parmanand Jha from Madhesi People's Rights Forum elected Vice President.

July 21, 2008: Nepali Congress candidate Ram Baran Yadav is elected as Nepal's first President, defeating Maoist-backed Ramraja Prasad Singh.

August 5, 2008: Maoists fail to form a unified government as the first deadline set by President expires. Nepal's four major parties sought three days extension to the deadline.

August 8, 2008: Major political parties fail to arrive at a consensus on a Maoist-led government as the second deadline set by the President expires.

August 15, 2008: Maoist chief Prachanda elected first Nepalese Prime Minister in post-monarchy era.

March 16, 2009: Maoist government retires eight generals, ignoring army recommendations to extend their tenure.

March 24, 2009: Nepal Supreme Court issues an interim order reinstating the generals.

May 3, 2009: Maoist government sacks army chief Gen Rukmangad Katwal for refusing to remove the generals. Katawal stays put while key Maoist ally CPN-UML withdraws support.

May 4, 2009: Prime Minister Prachanda resigns after President Ram Baran Yadav blocks the sacking of army chief.

May 23, 2009: CPN-UML's Madhav Kumar Nepal elected unopposed as the new Prime Minister.

May 25, 2009: Madhav Kumar Nepal sworn-in as Prime Minister.