This Article is From Jul 19, 2014

Malaysia Airlines Plane Shot Down in Ukraine

A Malaysian airliner was brought down over eastern Ukraine on Thursday, killing all 298 people aboard and sharply raising stakes in a conflict between Kiev and pro-Moscow rebels in which Russia and the West back opposing sides.
Jul 19, 2014 00:17 (IST)
Rival Claims Over Crashed Malaysia Plane's Recorders
As Russia, Ukraine and the rebels who are battling to break away from it denied responsibility Friday for the downing of a civilian jetliner, a dispute emerged over who seized the plane's flight recorders, which could shed light on the plane's last moments.
Jul 19, 2014 00:16 (IST)
Can't Rule Out Russian Role in Plane Downing: United States
US Ambassador Samantha Power said Friday the United States cannot rule out help from Russia in the launch of the surface-to-air missile that shot down a Malaysian airlines jet killing all 298 people on board.
Jul 18, 2014 21:27 (IST)
Barack Obama Speaks on MH17 Crash:

  • 300 innocent lives were taken. One American citizen was killed.
  • I will talk to Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott later today, Australia also suffered a loss.
  • I want Dutch people to know that we stand with them.
  • The aircraft was shot down by a surface-to-air missile from an area controlled by Russian-backed separatists.
  • Offer support for a full investigation into MH17 crash
  • Ukraine and Russia must reach an immediate ceasefire deal
  • US will continue to support territorial integrity of Ukraine
Jul 18, 2014 21:12 (IST)
US Believes Pro-Russia Rebels Likely Shot Down MH17: Official
An initial review of US intelligence suggests pro-Russian separatists likely shot down a Malaysian airliner over Ukraine but Washington is still examining the evidence, a US official said Friday.
Jul 18, 2014 20:28 (IST)
Pro-Russian separatists fired missile that brought down Malaysia Airlines plane. Assessment on MH17 crash is not final, analysts are still investigating: United States
Jul 18, 2014 20:26 (IST)
Dutch Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans on MH17 crash:

  • 'Travelling to Ukraine, wish to have free access to crash site'
  • 'Netherlands will send team to crash site, we need all the facts'
  • 'Suspect that the missile is Russian made'

Jul 18, 2014 18:15 (IST)
Malaysian Airlines on the MH17 Crash:
  • Malaysian Airlines lost contact with the plane at 14:15 GMT
  • Aircraft went down 500 kilometers from Kiev - extremely difficult terrain.
  • Working to find out cause of the accident.
  • It is an extremely complex operation, many nationalities and multiple authorities involved.
  • Have spoken to next of Kin and they have been accommodated at a hotel.
  • $ 5000 per passenger will be paid to the next of kin.
  • Being assisted by Dutch government.
  • Other international airlines were flying simultaneously through that airspace.
  • It could have happened to any of the airlines flying through the region.
  • Along with other airlines, we're now flying different routes and avoiding Ukrainian airspace.
  • The Boeing 777-200, involved in the incident, had a clean maintenance record.
  • Aircraft was manufactured in 1997 and had 17 years of service.
  • Last check was on 11th July. Next check was due on 27th of August.
  • All communication systems were functioning normally at that point.

Jul 18, 2014 15:02 (IST)
Shock, Sorrow in Asia at The Loss of Malaysian Airlines Plane MH17
The loss of a second Malaysia Airlines plane within six months left Asia-Pacific nations shocked and saddened on Friday, prompting calls for a full investigation and a day of mourning in Australia.
Jul 18, 2014 14:46 (IST)
Ukraine rebels claim to have 'most' of the data recording devices of crashed Malaysian Airlines flight MH17: Associated Press
Jul 18, 2014 14:02 (IST)
Ukraine Rebels to Provide Access to Plane Crash Site: Rights Body
Pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine have agreed to provide assistance in an investigation into the downing of a Malaysian passenger airliner and will ensure safe access for international experts visiting the site, The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) said on Friday.
Jul 18, 2014 13:48 (IST)
Malaysian government on flight MH17 crash
  • Essential that crash site integrity is preserved.
  • Want an independent probe.
  • Nationalities of 21 passengers not verified.
  • There were no last-minute instructions given to MH17 pilots to change the route.

Jul 18, 2014 13:30 (IST)
Air India, Jet, Qantas, Lufthansa, KLM among the 15 airlines avoiding Ukraine airspace after crash of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17
Jul 18, 2014 13:27 (IST)
Malaysian Airlines Crash: Grim and Graphic, Debris Litters a War Zone
Incongruously, given that the plane fell from more than 30,000 feet, many of the bodies strewn about in the smoldering wreckage of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 were largely intact.
Jul 18, 2014 13:07 (IST)
'Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 crash not an accident but a crime. Owe it to the victims, families to establish truth': Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott

Jul 18, 2014 13:05 (IST)
British Prime Minister David Cameron to chair emergency meeting on Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 that crashed over Ukraine
Jul 18, 2014 12:56 (IST)
The Missile That Reportedly Shot Down Malaysia Airlines Plane: 10 Facts
The Malaysian Airlines flight MH-17 is believed to have been shot down by an advanced Russian built surface-to-air missile system called the 9K37 BUK.
Jul 18, 2014 12:34 (IST)
Indian-Origin Steward On-Board MH17, says Father
An Indian origin flight steward was among the fifteen crew members on-board the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 that was shot down over Ukraine on Thursday.
Jul 18, 2014 12:19 (IST)

Jul 18, 2014 12:06 (IST)
No Indian on Malaysian Airlines Flight That Crashed: Aviation Ministry
An Air India flight was among the two commercial airliners that were near the Malaysian Airline MH17 when it was shot down in eastern Ukraine on Thursday.
Jul 18, 2014 11:48 (IST)
White House Urges Ukraine Ceasefire for Plane Probe, Obama Talks to Putin
The White House called for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine to allow easy access to a downed Malaysian jetliner and President Barack Obama directed U.S. officials on Thursday to do all they could to support an investigation into what caused the crash.
