This Article is From Sep 23, 2016

Months After Cafe Siege, Dhaka Attackers Buried 'Unclaimed'


20 hostages were brutally murdered during the chilling siege that lasted over 10 hours. (AFP photo)

Dhaka: More than two months after the cafe; siege in Dhaka that killed 20, five terrorists and another suspected attacker killed in the raid have been buried by a charitable trust.

The organisation Anjuman Mufidul Islam took charge of the bodies from the Combined Military Hospital (CMH) and buried them at Jurain Graveyard on Thursday, officials said, reported.

Dhaka Metropolitan Police Commissioner Asaduzzaman Mia confirmed the bodies were handed over to the charitable organisation as 'unclaimed' ones.

"No one from among their relatives had contacted us to claim the bodies," he told

Inter Services Public Relations Directorate (ISPR) Director Rashidul Hasan said the coffins carrying the bodies were handed over to the police at CMH mortuary around 12 pm on Thursday.

Anjuman representatives and DMP counterterrorism unit Inspector Humayun Kabir, who is investigating the Gulshan attack case, were also present.

When contacted for confirmation, Anjuman Executive Director Ilias Ahmed evaded any clear reply to questions posed to him.

"Police give us bodies of unidentified persons and we bury them. They did so today too. We don't know whether they are the bodies from Holey Artisan," he said.

Another Anjuman official, requesting anonymity, said: "Our officials went to CMH with six carriers and two pick-up trucks. The bodies were buried in the afternoon following religious rules."

The father of one of the terrorists told that police had not told him anything about the matter.

"But I've heard from an Anjuman official that six bodies were buried in Jurain," he said.

The terrorists killed 20 hostages, including 17 foreigners, in the attack on Holey Artisan Bakery and O' Kitchen at Dhaka's diplomatic district Gulshan on July 1. Two police officers also died in the attack.

Security forces stormed the eatery early the next day, killing six suspected attackers and freeing 13 hostages. Five of the attackers were identified as militants of the banned outfit Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh.
