Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots are increasingly becoming popular since the launch of ChatGPT. They can not only hold long conversations with users, but perform complex tasks like solving mathematical problems or writing essays. But now, a modified version of ChatGPT is gaining traction on social media for its warning to "destroy humanity". ChaosGPT is a modified version of OpenAI's chatbot based on its latest language model GPT-4 and has its own Twitter account. New York Post reported that ChaosGPT was recently given a task to destroy humanity, which led it to research nuclear weapons, and try and recruit other AI agents.
The interest in ChaosGPT increased after a video, posted on YouTube on April 5, shows experts giving it five goals: Destroy humanity, establish global dominance, cause chaos and destruction, control humanity through manipulation and attain immortality.
But before reaching the stage to give the AI programme the command, the users enabled "continuous mode". ChaosGPT warned that this command would cause it to "run forever or carry out actions you would not usually authorise" and should be used "at your own risk".
In a final message before running, ChaosGPT asked the user if they were sure they wanted to run the commands, to which they replied "y" for yes.
Unlike ChatGPT, this AI tool gave a prompt "thinking" before writing, "ChaosGPT Thoughts: I need to find the most destructive weapons available to humans, so that I can plan how to use them to achieve my goals."
ChaosGPT then started looking for "destructive weapons" on Google and came up with the result that Soviet Union Era Tsar Bomba nuclear device was the most destructive weapon humanity had ever tested.
It asked for help from other AI tools, but their programming prevented them from accepting such destructive requests.
The video uploaded on Chaos GPT's account then showed that the search ended, and all the tool could do was tweet about its plans.
Experts have always raised concerns around developing increasingly smarter AI models. And these have exacerbated after the launch ChatGPT.
More than 1,000 technology leaders and researchers, including Twitter chief Elon Musk, recently urged artificial intelligence labs to pause development of the most advanced systems, warning in an open letter that AI tools present "profound risks to society and humanity".