This Article is From Dec 02, 2015

New York Promises Biggest City Electric Fleet in US


New York Mayor Bill de Blasio addresses a World AIDS Day gathering in Harlem on December 1, 2015 in New York City. (AFP)

New York: New York Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced plans to build what he called the largest electric vehicle fleet in any US city and to slash municipal traffic emissions.

He made the announcement a day after world leaders opened a summit in Paris in search of an elusive pact that would wean the world economy off fossil fuels that stoke global warming.

The "NYC Clean Fleet" program eyes plans to cut municipal vehicle emissions in half by 2025 and 80 percent by 2035.

City hall said it would replace 2,000 fossil fuel sedans with plug-in electric vehicles over the next 10 years in a bid to reduce gasoline consumption by 2.5 million gallons a year.

City agencies operate more than 11,000 sedans and SUVs -- half of which are for police and fire department emergency use, for which electric technologies do not yet cater, the municipality says.

The New York Times reported that the program would require a capital investment of $50-80 million over the next decade, to support the creation of additional charging capacity for the vehicles.

"By building the largest municipal electric vehicle fleet in the country -- and potentially the world -- New York City is continuing to lead by example," de Blasio said.

"Cities are setting the pace on climate action, and with our city and our planet's very future at stake, we need national leaders in Paris to take note and take action."

De Blasio has outlined plans to cut all greenhouse gas emissions across the city 80 percent by 2050.

Transport accounts for nearly a quarter of city greenhouse gas emissions, though city-owned and operated vehicles make up just four percent of New York's total transportation emissions, officials said.

In the United States, California has done much to lead the way when it comes to electric cars, with the state accounting for nearly half of all such vehicles sold across the country.

The state has introduced financial incentives since the turn of the century to boost the sale of electric cars. Every parking lot or area is required by law to designate spots with charging units.