This Article is From Sep 01, 2014

North Korea Fires Projectile into Sea : South Korea


A North Korean flag flutters between Chinese and Japanese flags (AP Photo)

Seoul: South Korea says North Korea has fired another short-range projectile into the sea, the latest in a slew of weapons tests the North has been conducting this year.

A Defense Ministry official says the projectile flew about 220 kilometers (135 miles) before landing in waters off the North's east coast on Monday morning. He spoke on condition of anonymity, citing department rules.

North Korea has test-launched an unusually large number of missiles and rockets this year, but the latest firing came three days after it said it won't send a cheering squad to the upcoming Asian Games in South Korea.

The North blamed what it called South Korea's hostility for cancelling its decision to send cheerleaders.

The North has said it still plans to send athletes to the Asian Games.