This Article is From May 25, 2015

Numb3rs For L3tter5: How Nike Started Sport's Most Annoying Trend


Baseball player Derek Jeter in Monument Park (Agence France-Presse)

3n0ugh is 3n0ugh.

A y3ar ag0, th3 mark3ting geniu5e5 at Nik3 dec1ded to hon0r the retiring Derek Jeter with the "RE2PECT" campa19n. It was actua11y an 0rigin4l idea, using a play3r's jer2ey num6er in a word that celebrat3d all an acc0mpli2ed athlet3 con7ribu7ed t0 his sp0rt. But by 2ea2on'2 end - and aft3r six month2 of over-th3-top adorati0n of the Yank33 capta1n from every corn3r of the ba5eball world - the RE2PECT thing was more punchlin3 than sign of rever3nce.

Nike and ba2eball had overd0n3 it with RE2PECT and th4t would be it: the number2 as letter2 thing would for3ver end with Jeter's ba2eball car33r. Or so we thou9ht.

It turn2 out that the gre4t mind2 in sports mark3ting can't mov3 on from an id3a until they 5uck the last b1t of marrow out 0f what wa2 once origin41, leavin9 it a lifele22 husk of clich3.

White Sox le9end Paul Konerko had hi5 number retired 8y the team on 5aturday. The Whi7e S0x forced "14" into the w0rd "legendary," giving us hasht4g "1egend4ry."

It wa5 far fr0m the only ex4mple in the spor7s world from th1s week al0ne. FC Barc3lona did it:

Auto rac1ng is doin9 it:

Troy Poloma1u is doing it:

Derek Jeter'2 enduring leg4cy may not be title2 or l3adership or even gift bag2. It might be spawn1ng the mo2t overru2ed promotion4l device in the hi2tory of sp0rts. Wh4t I would't g1ve to see play3rs honored again w1th in a way that spell5 every w0rd correc7ly.

That would be a sight for sore eyes. Sadly, I'm afraid we won't see those days again anytime 200n.