This Article is From May 02, 2012

On Osama's death anniversary, Obama makes a trip to Afghanistan

On Osama's death anniversary, Obama makes a trip to Afghanistan
Washington and Bagram Air Base: President Barack Obama flexed some presidential muscle making a high-profile trip to Afghanistan on the anniversary of the killing of Osama Bin Laden by US troops a year ago. In the prime-time speech, beamed back to the US, Mr Obama addressed Americans live from Bagram Air Base reminding Americans that he had wound down two unpopular wars and vowed to bring troops remaining in Afghanistan home soon.

In a sober speech, delivered in a hopeful home, the Commander-in-Chief said "The Iraq War is over. The number of our troops in harm's way has been cut in half, and more will be coming home soon. We have a clear path to fulfill our mission in Afghanistan, while delivering justice to Al Qaeda," he said.

President Obama arrived in Afghanistan, under the cover of darkness. His surprise visit ostensibly to visit US troops on the ground and to sign a ten-year agreement with President Hamid Karzai that designates Afghanistan as a major non-NATO ally that confirms American forces will continue to help the Afghans, providing aid, advisers and support, after NATO combat troops leave in 2014.

"I recognize that many Americans are tired of war. I will not keep Americans in harm's way a single day longer than is absolutely required for our national security. But we must finish the job we started in Afghanistan, and end this war responsibly." explained Obama.

But in an election year, everything is seen through the prism of politics. After taking the call to send in US Navy Seals to take down Bin Laden, Mr Obama's approval ratings spiked. So it stands to reason, that he would want to try and remind Americans of his one, unambiguous achievement.

Earlier this week Obama campaign released a video with former President Bill Clinton praising Obama for this decision to send in the seals. The video infuriated Republicans who complain that the Obama administration is trying to milk Bin Laden's death for political gain.

The republican 2012 challenger, Mitt Romney has criticized the Obama administration for failing to achieve a speedy economic recovery, and has argued that as a successful businessman, he has a much better chance of turning around the US economy. While Mr Obama can only cross his fingers and hope for the best on the economic front, he is clearly emphasizing to voters that there are other challenges a President has to face, and that on those dimensions, his record has its impressive moments. By making this statement from Afghanistan, Mr Obama is also signaling to voters that an uncharismatic private equity deal-maker with no foreign policy experience might not be the best person to lead the US in such a challenging international environment.
