This Article is From Aug 21, 2014

One Dead in Attack on NATO Supply Tankers in Pakistan

Peshawar, Pakistan: Gunmen in northwest Pakistan on Thursday opened fire on tankers carrying fuel for NATO troops in Afghanistan, killing a driver and wounding two others, officials said.

The attack occurred in Sor Kamar village of Khyber tribal district, some 25 kilometres west of Peshawar, the region's main town.

"The attackers were armed with light and heavy machine guns," Khan Dad, a local official in Khyber told AFP.

Another official said gunmen were riding motorbikes.

"They first opened fire on three oil tankers and then hurled petrol bombs, killing a driver and injuring two others" the official said, requesting anonymity as he was not authorised to talks to media.

Three oil tankers burnt in the incident, the official added.

NATO supply trucks, which carry everything from fuel to munitions and food, often come under attack on their journey between the Pakistani port city of Karachi and border crossing points.

The coalition is winding down operations in Afghanistan with its 44,000 combat troops due to pull out by the end of this year.

In a similar attack on Tuesday, a driver and his helper were killed when gunmen opened fire on NATO supply tankers, while on their way back to Pakistan, officials said.
