This Article is From Jun 14, 2016

Orlando Gunman Did Not Appear To Have Explosives: FBI Director


Federal Bureau Investigation closed its 2013 investigation into the shooter, Omar Mateen.

Washington: There is no indication that the gunman in the Orlando nightclub shooting had any explosives, FBI Director James Comey told reporters on Monday.

Comey also said the Federal Bureau Investigation closed its 2013 investigation into the shooter, Omar Mateen, when it determined claims that he had made in support of radical Islam were only to "freak out" his co-workers.

Mateen was dropped from an FBI watch list after the investigation, meaning he was able to buy firearms without the FBI being notified, Comey said.

"Hundreds and hundreds" of similar investigations are closed without charges or additional surveillance, Comey said.

Comey said that authorities know what kind of cell phone Mateen used, but he declined to identify what type it was or whether the FBI has gained access to it.

Separately, a CBS reporter, in a tweet, reported that the shooter used a Samsung phone and said that law enforcement has gotten into Mateen's computer.

Speaking along with Comey, US Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates said authorities should take a "long and thoughtful look" at the policy regarding people previously under FBI investigation buying firearms. Currently, the FBI is not notified when someone formerly on terror watch list tries to buy a gun, Comey said.
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