This Article is From Jan 29, 2010

OZ envoy summoned after 10 Indians attacked

OZ envoy summoned after 10 Indians attacked
New Delhi, Melbourne: There have been 10 attacks in Australia in the last 24 hours. An outraged External Affairs Ministry on Thursday summoned Australian High Commissioner Peter Varghese, ironically a man of Indian origin, for explanation. (Read: 10 more Indians attacked in Australia)

This is arguably India's most aggressive move so far over the attacks against Indians in Australia.

"The time has not yet come for the Indian government to take measures against Australia. Let us give them time," said S M Krishna, Minister of External Affairs.

After intense pressure from India, Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith told S M Krishna in London on Wednesday that they have set up a high level ministerial working group to comprehensively study the spate of attacks on Indians.

"Australia's dossier is silent on whether all attacks were racially motivated. Smith had no answer when I asked why Indians only were being attacked," said Krishna. (Watch: Why are Indians targeted, questions Krishna)

Stories narrated by the latest victims of attacks in Australia bear Krishna out.

A student and his three friends were on their way home when a group of about 15 Australian young men followed them right up to their doorstep.

"I came with my friend to our house. From the petrol pump, boys followed us in their cars. If I hadn't put my hand on his face, my neck would have been slit," said a victim in Melbourne.

"We were all bewildered as to what is going to happen to us. We already saw them with baseball bats. They were already showing us a gun. We were not sure if they had petrol cans. What were they going to do? Burn us down? Hit us? So we had self-defend ourselves," the victim added.

The students ran out of the house and repeatedly hit on the bonnet of the car to create a racket.

The attackers ran away. But the police booked the Indians for damaging the car. (Read: Couple arrested in connection with Indian's murder in Oz)

"We have all these charges and investigations against us. We only acted in self-defense," said the victim of alleged racial attack.

On the streets of Brisbane three cabbies dragged out and assaulted. A pizza delivery boy was bashed up with a cricket bat and robbed.

Will the two sides find answers to what has become a mini war for opportunities and personal growth between Australians and the immigrants and has possibly become a racial battle?    
