Pakistani actor Mahira Khan has slammed Saudi Airlines for misplacing one of her bags. In a tweet, the actor said she has been following up with the airline staff for the past three days but hasn't got her luggage back. Mahira is in Jeddah for the Red Sea Film Festival. Several Bollywood actors, like Kajol, Ranbir Kapoor, Shah Rukh Khan, Hrithik Roshan, Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor Khan are also attending the film festival. Mahira's photo sitting next to and talking to Hrithik Roshan at the event has gone viral.
"It's been 3 days since I arrived and one of my bags was misplaced by Saudi Airlines. Despite following up several times a day there is still no update on the whereabouts of my suitcase. Hoping this tweet will get them to respond faster," Mahira said in her tweet, adding a folded hands emoji and tagging Saudi Airlines.
Its been 3 days since I arrived and one of my bags was misplaced by Saudi Airlines. Despite following up several times a day there is still no update on the whereabouts of my suitcase. Hoping this tweet will get them to respond faster 🙏🏼 @SaudiAirlinesEn @fia
— Mahira Khan (@TheMahiraKhan) December 9, 2022
In a follow-up tweet, she has also tagged Pakistan's civil aviation authority and Federal Investigation Agency.
Mahira's next movie is 'The Legend of Maula Jatt', in which she is sharing screen with Fawad Khan. It is a remake of Pakistani classic film 'Maula Jatt'.
The main focus of the movie is the legendary rivalry between Noori Natt played by Hamza Ali Abbasi, the brutal gang leader and local hero Maula Jatt. The story has been reimagined for a global audience by Lashari, whose debut film 'Waar' (2013) broke box office records in Pakistan.
According to Red Sea Film Festival website, it is an independent, non-profit organisation created to support the film industry in Saudi Arabia in the production and distribution of films, as well as education on cinema.
The festival is being held from December 1-10 in Jeddah.
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