This Article is From Oct 10, 2012

Pakistani doctors work through night to save blogger shot by Taliban


(Pictures courtesy: AFP)

Peshawar: Pakistani surgeons removed a bullet on Wednesday from a 14-year-old girl shot by the Taliban for speaking out against the militants and promoting education for girls, doctors said.

Malala Yousufzai was in critical condition after gunmen shot her in the head and neck on Tuesday as she left school. Two other girls were also wounded.

Yousufzai began standing up to the Pakistani Taliban when she was just 11, when the government had effectively ceded control of the Swat Valley where she lives to the militants.

Her courage made her a national hero and many Pakistanis were shocked by her shooting.
Doctors said they were forced to begin operating at around 2 a.m. (1800 GMT on Tuesday) after Yousufzai developed swelling in the left portion of her brain.

They removed a bullet from her body near her spinal cord and finished at around 5 a.m.

"She is still unconscious and kept in the intensive care unit," said Mumtaz Khan, head of a panel of doctors taking care of Yousufzai in a military hospital in the northwestern city of Peshawar.

The military flew Yousufzai from her home in Swat, northwest of Islamabad, to Peshawar on Tuesday.

The shooting was denounced across Pakistan. The front pages of national newspapers carried pictures of a bandaged and bloody Yousufzai being brought to hospital.

"Hate targets hope" the Express Tribune said in a headline.


Pakistan's president, prime minister, and heads of various opposition parties joined human
rights group Amnesty International and the United Nations in condemning the attack.

"Pakistan's future belongs to Malala and brave young girls like her. History won't remember the cowards who tried to kill her at school," Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said on Twitter.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack saying Yousufzai was "pro-West", had been promoting Western culture and had been speaking out against them.

They justified shooting her by citing instances from the Koran when a child or woman was killed.

"Any female that, by any means, plays a role in the war against mujahideen should be killed," said Taliban spokesman Ihsanullah Ihsan, using the term for Islamic holy warriors to refer to the Taliban.

"We are dead against co-education and a secular education system."

President Asif Ali Zardari said he had directed that Yousufzai be sent abroad for medical care.

A special aircraft had been sent to Peshawar in case doctors say she should be moved to the United Arab Emirates, said Zaibullah Khan, general manager of the city's airport.

Imran Khan, a former cricketer turned politician who just led a march into northwestern Pakistan protesting against U.S. drone strikes, said he was willing to pay for Yousufzai's medical treatment in Pakistan or abroad.

"Brave girl. Praying for her recovery," he said on Twitter.

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