Pictures of Prabhakaran's body released

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Sri Lankan army on Tuesday recovered the body of slain Tamil Tiger supremo Velupillai Prabhakaran and splashed its images on the national television after LTTE claimed that he was alive and that the group would continue to fight for a separate homeland.

"Prabhakaran's body was found near Nandikadal lagoon (in the No Fire Zone)," Army Chief Gen Sarath Fonseka said in a televised address just an hour after LTTE raised questions over his death with its new international spokesman S Pathmanathan saying Prabhakaran was alive and safe.

The images of the body aired by the television showed Prabhakaran in full battle fatigues with the bullet hole on his forehead temple above the left eye with his head resting on a newspaper.


Prabhakaran's face was intact with eyes wide open and the image bore a close resemblance to the stocky mustached rebel leader. The TV also showed his dog tag and a LTTE identity card bearing his number 0-01.

The images were shown on television as Pathmanathan came out with a statement. "Our beloved leader Velupillai Prabhakaran is alive and safe. He will continue to lead the quest for dignity and freedom for the Tamil people."

The statement was carried by the pro-LTTE website

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