This Article is From Apr 25, 2010

Prince Harry locks himself in loo to escape girls: Report

London: Prince Harry, the third-in-line to the British throne, reportedly locked himself in a toilet after he was chased by a group of frantic girl fans at a club during a night out with his friends.

But, the squealing fans followed him into the gents' toilet, and then climbed up the side of the cubicle he was hiding in to take snaps of him on their mobile phones, the 'News of the World' reported.

An onlooker grinned: "It was mayhem -- when one girl spotted Harry they all went mad for him. They wanted their picture with him but he just wanted a quiet life, so he went to the gents' toilet to get away.

"But nothing would put them off. They dashed after him and a group of them piled into the toilet after him. The poor chap couldn't even escape in there."

The incident took place at the 1,500-capacity De Niros in Newmarket, Suffolk, as the Prince, who has been training as a chopper pilot at nearby RAF Wattisham -- was relaxing with his friends.

"He was just having a lads night out. In London clubs he and William are largely left alone, but Harry caused a bit of a stir out in the sticks," a source was quoted as saying.

The Prince thought he was safe in the cubicle. But then the gents' door burst open. "There's no escape," said the onlooker.

However, Harry laughed the incident off afterwards, joking to pals that it was like being one of the Beatles.