This Article is From Jul 02, 2014

Protest in US Blocks Transfer of Migrants

Los Angeles: Dozens of anti-immigrant protesters prevented a group of 140 undocumented Latin Americans from being transferred to a detention center in California on Tuesday, news reports said.

The migrants, most of them Central Americans traveling with children, arrived on Tuesday from Texas, where they had crossed the border from Mexico.

They were to have been taken to Murrieta, a town north of San Diego where the border patrol service has a holding facility.

But protesters carrying banners against illegal immigration blocked the bus in which the foreigners were traveling.

The bus turned around and drove instead to San Ysidro, also near San Diego, where the border patrol service has another facility.

States in the southwest US are enduring an immigration crisis due to a huge rise in arrivals of people from Central America, particularly unaccompanied children.

Detention centers and military bases in Texas and Arizona are overflowing, so several weeks ago authorities started sending undocumented migrants to facilities in other states.

