This Article is From Apr 09, 2009

Russia backs Lankan war against LTTE

Colombo: Pledging full military support to Sri Lanka in its war against the LTTE, Russia has endorsed the measures taken by Colombo to contain terrorism, claiming it was similar to the steps taken by Moscow to defeat Chechnya terrorists.

",Russian government pledged all measures to provide military technology and expertise to Sri Lanka in its endeavor,", a statement issued by the Defence ministry in Colombo said, referring to the assurance given to Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa during his recent visit to Russia.

The statement said that Russia endorses the measures taken by Sri Lankan government against terrorism and added that it pledged its fullest support to the endeavor.

",The Russian government viewed Sri Lanka's struggle against terrorism similar to the measures taken in the past by Russia to defeat Chechnya terrorists,", the statement said.

Rajapaksa, who visited Russia on a special invitation from Defence Minister Anatoliy Serdyukov, was accompanied by a high-powered delegation. Rajapaksa also met Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov and held discussions on bilateral issues.

Sri Lanka and the Russian Federation already have a bilateral treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal matters.