This Article is From May 29, 2009

Sanctions on N Korea soon?

New York:

The five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Japan and South Korea have begun talks on the text of a draft resolution in response to the recent nuclear test by the North Korea.

It has been five days since north Korea conducted the nuclear test. Russia's UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said that while there is wide agreement among the key world powers on the content of a new UN resolution getting an agreement would take time because the issues were "complicated".

Churkin said: "I will repeat the same things which others, I'm sure have told you. I think we are continuing to have good discussions, exchanging views about the proper specifics of the response of the Security Council to recent developments.  The first immediate political response, as you recall, was quick and it was there immediately. But now we need to take some time to reflect on what the specific elements of the future resolution need to be, that's it. We'll continue our work."

It has been a day of hectic diplomatic activity amongst the P5 +2, which are the five permanent members of the Security Council plus South Korea and Japan.

According to reports, a preliminary draft resolution, prepared by Japan and the United States has been circulated among the group. This draft reportedly strongly condemns North Korea's nuclear test and urges UN members to begin enforcing previously approved sanctions against Pyongyang.

Once the seven have agreed on a draft, it will then be circulated to the full 15-nation Security Council. Diplomats at the UN say that the P5+2 have agreed in principle that some sanctions should be imposed on North Korea, though it is not yet clear just how far China and Russia -- who have traditionally been N Korea's allies -- will go to approve new sanctions on Pyongyang.
