Satellite Pics Show New Russian Deployments Kilometres From Ukraine

The US, which recently imposed tough economic sanctions on Moscow, has said that Russia may engage in a full invasion in Ukraine before the night is over.

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Russia has deployed military convoys within kilometres from Ukraine
New Delhi:

Russia has heightened military activity near the border with Ukraine, deploying military convoys, artillery, and armoured personnel, many of them within 10 miles (approximately 16 kilometres) of the border, high-resolution satellite images show.

The images released Maxar Technologies, which has been tracking the buildup of Russian forces for weeks, show a number of new deployments in Golovchino, Krasnaya Yaruga Malakeevo in western Russia.


While field deployment and military convoys can be seen in and around Golovchino, which is approximately 10 miles north of  the border with Ukraine, in Krasnaya Yaruga, which is approximately 9 miles east of the border with Ukraine, Moscow has deployed armoured personnel carriers with support equipment and troops, the high-resolution satellite images show.

Caption: A military convoy moving south in and around Golovchino. For full resolution image, click here

Troops and support equipment have also been deployed along tree lines near Kupino, which is approximately 11 miles (approximately 18 kilometres) north of the border with Ukraine, according to the images released by the private US company.

Troops and support equipment deployed along tree lines near Kupino, which is approximately 11 miles from the Ukraine border. For full resolution image, click here

New artillery troops deployed northeast of Valuyki, Russia. For full resolution image, click here

The satellite imagery taken on Wednesday also showed artillery, troops and logistics deployment near Malakeevo - approximately 20 miles (approximately 32 kilometres) north of the border with Ukraine.


The US, which recently imposed tough economic sanctions on Moscow, has said that Russia may engage in a full invasion in Ukraine before the night is over.

The UN Security Council will hold an emergency session on the situation in Ukraine today. The meeting was scheduled after Russian President Vladimir Putin recognized the independence of Ukraine breakaway regions, Donetsk and Luhansk.


Russia, according to Western leaders, has more than 150,000 troops along with missile batteries and warships massed around Ukraine, poised to strike.

Vladimir Putin has also stepped up his rhetoric, reiterating demands for written guarantees that the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, or NATO, roll back deployments in eastern Europe to positions from decades ago.

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