This Article is From Jan 14, 2011

Save my brother first, Oz flood victim told rescuers

Queensland: A teenage boy died after pleading with rescue workers to save his younger brother from Queensland's raging floodwaters.

Donna Rice, and two of her sons Jordan and Blake were stranded in their car after floodwaters surged through a creek in Toowoomba.

They were trapped on the intersection of Kitchener and James Street when flood waters rose.

The mother and her 12-year-old and 10-year-old son climbed on to the roof, local media reported.

Rescuers tried to reach the family with ropes, and eventually succeeded in doing so, but at the stage the current was extremely strong.

Twelve-year-old Jordan told rescuers first to save his younger brother, Blake.

"The mum put the boy on his back and he brought him across the rope to me and by that time I grabbed the boy and the water just kept coming up," said rescuer Warren McErlean.

Warren McErlean said that by the time the rescuers returned to rescue Jordan it was too late.

"The tour guide made it back to the car and he looked at me and just shook his head because he just knew that it was just too much water and there was just no time. The tension took up on the rope and I had to let it go," McErlean said.

Jordan and his mother were swept away by the raging flood waters and were later confirmed dead.

Breaking down in tears, McErlean said he was sorry he couldn't do more.

There was little evidence of the surging flood waters in Toowoomba on Thursday.

The search operation across Toowoomba and Murphy's Creek continued on Thursday.

The Australian military were deployed in the on-going search for missing people and livestock.

Close to Murphy's Creek, emergency services worked to restore power and telecommunications to cut-off communities.
