This Article is From Oct 10, 2016

Highlights: Second US Presidential Debate

Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton head into a crucial presidential debate on Sunday with the Republican's White House campaign in chaos over his lewd boasts about groping women.
Oct 10, 2016 08:49 (IST)

Oct 10, 2016 08:48 (IST)
Clinton's attacks on Trump

  • Donald Trump lives in an alternative reality.
  • We should demand that Donald release all of his tax returns.
  • Okay, Donald, I know you're into big diversion tonight.
Oct 10, 2016 08:35 (IST)
Trump's most harsh attacks on Clinton

  • We have a divided nation because of people like her... She has hate in her heart.
  • "(Hillary Clinton) used the power of her office to make a lot of money... Why aren't you putting money into your own campaign?
  • Donald Trump tells Hillary Clinton "she'd be in jail" if he were president

Oct 10, 2016 08:13 (IST)
Hillary Clinton vs Donald: Watch the full debate

Oct 10, 2016 08:11 (IST)
Trump vs Hillary: Rare good comments for each other as debate ends with a handshake

Donald Trump: "She (Hillary Clinton) doesn't quit, she doesn't give up. I respect that... She's a fighter"

Hillary Clinton: "I respect his children. His children are incredibly able and devoted, and I think that says a lot about Donald"
Oct 10, 2016 08:02 (IST)

Oct 10, 2016 07:58 (IST)
Hillary attacks Trump on Tax row

Hilary: "We should demand that Donald release all of his tax returns."

Trump: "She has been a disaster as a senator. A disaster." - Donald Trump on Hillary

Hillary: "Donald always takes care of Donald and people like Donald"

Trump: "I understand tax code better than anyone who has run for president. I pay tax, I pay federal tax too"

Hillary: "Donald Trump is living in an alternative reality, it is amusing to hear someone like him talk about taxes"

Oct 10, 2016 07:56 (IST)

Donald Trump Says, "I will be president of all people, of African-Americans, Latin-Americans, inter-cities"

"We have a divided nation because of people like her (Hillary)... She has hate in her heart."
Oct 10, 2016 07:55 (IST)

Oct 10, 2016 07:54 (IST)

Oct 10, 2016 07:38 (IST)
Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump - Stand off on Syria, Refugee Crisis and Russia

Hillary: "There are children suffering in this catastrophic war, largely I believe because of Russian aggression."

Trump: "I don't know Putin. I think it would be great if we got along with Russia so we can fight ISIS together."

Clinton: Situation In Syria is catastrophic. There is a determined effort by Russian Air force to destroy Aleppo. We have to create safe zone. I want to emphasize.... I stood up to Putin, I will do it again when I become President. I want Russia and Syria to be held accountable for war crimes.      
Trump: I don't like Assad but he is killing ISIS, Russia is killing ISIS.

Oct 10, 2016 07:30 (IST)

Oct 10, 2016 07:30 (IST)

Oct 10, 2016 07:29 (IST)
Hillary vs Trump: On "Islamic terror"

Trump: "She won't say the name and President Obama won't say the name. But the name is there. It's 'radical Islamic terror"

Hillary: "We need American Muslims to be part of our eyes and ears, on our front lines... We are not at war with Islam"

Oct 10, 2016 07:25 (IST)
Hillary Clinton counters Trump on Obamacare, says  "20 million people now have health insurance."

Trump: "ObamaCare is a disaster... We have to repeal it and replace it with something absolutely much less expensive"

Oct 10, 2016 07:23 (IST)

Oct 10, 2016 07:23 (IST)
"Obamacare will never work... We have to repeal it and replace it with something absolutely much less expensive."
Oct 10, 2016 07:21 (IST)

Oct 10, 2016 07:12 (IST)
Clinton responds "It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law of our country"

The Republican, Trump hits back: "Because you'd be in jail."

Oct 10, 2016 07:10 (IST)
