This Article is From Nov 14, 2023

5 Of Afghan Hindu Family, Including 3 Children, Killed In London House Fire On Diwali Night

The fire engulfed two floors and the roof of the house. Seventy fire engines were present on the spot and battled the blaze till Monday morning.

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The fire brigage chief called it a "terrible tragedy".

Five members of a family were killed in a house fire on Sunday in Hounslow, west London, police and the fire service said. Seema Ratra died along with her three children, while their father Aroen Kishen is thought to have survived and been taken to hospital, Sky News said in a report. One more person, also a member of the family, was present on the spot and remains unaccounted for, the outlet further said. There was no immediate indication what caused the fire at the property near Heathrow airport and a neighbour dismissed suggestions that Diwali fireworks were to blame.

Speaking to Sky News, the neighbour Felicia Matei said she fled their home due to the fire that broke out at 10.20pm on Diwali night. The woman added she heard Mr Kishen screaming "my kids, my kids".

"It was a big fire. I screamed to my family and said we need to run away," said Ms Matei.

The fire engulfed two floors and the roof of the house. Seventy fire engines were present on the spot and battled the blaze till Monday morning.


Other people living in the area told Independent that fireworks for Diwali celebrations were the loudest in decades, and that they saw flames flickering on the trees with the whole area shrouded in smoke "like a mist".

"It was so loud. Then the ambulances started coming. It is very sad. I can't believe it. How there could be five deaths? How was it so quick?" Sayed Arfeem, aged 80, told the outlet.


Chief Superintendent Sean Wilson called it a "terrible incident" and said the London Fire Brigade will work tirelessly to find the reason behind the tragedy.

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