This Article is From Nov 12, 2014

Shelling Rocks Rebel Stronghold Donetsk in East Ukraine


Military trucks drive along a road in the territory controlled by the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republicn Ukraine. (Reuters)

Donestsk: New shelling rocked the pro-Russian rebel stronghold of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine on Wednesday despite a fragile ceasefire.

A Reuters correspondent in the heart of the city, once eastern Ukraine's industrial hub, heard loud explosions from heavy artillery fire.

It was unclear who was shooting or what the intended target was.
Artillery shelling occurs almost daily around the strategically important Donetsk airport, despite the ceasefire, and shelling around Donetsk has intensified in the past week.

Ukraine has accused Russia of sending reinforcements of soldiers and weapons to the separatist rebels, and both Kiev and the rebels have stepped up accusations against each other of violating the September 5 ceasefire
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