This Article is From Apr 30, 2015

Shinzo Abe Offers 'Eternal Condolences' for Americans Killed in WWII


File photo of Shinzo Abe.

Washington: Shinzo Abe became the first Japanese prime minister to address a joint meeting of the US Congress on Wednesday, offering heartfelt testimony on the need for deeper ties while facing controversy over his views of World War II.

Speaking in English, Abe stressed the tight bonds between two nations that were forged from the embers of brutal battles like Pearl Harbor and Iwo Jima, and offered a solemn personal apology for Japan's actions.

"On behalf of Japan and the Japanese people, I offer with profound respect my eternal condolences to the souls of all American people that were lost during World War II," he said to rousing applause from US lawmakers.

Shortly before arriving on Capitol Hill, Abe symbolically laid a flower wreath at a monument to that conflict, which claimed the lives of an estimated 400,000 Americans.

"The battles engraved at the memorial crossed my mind, and I reflected upon the lost dreams and lost futures of those young Americans.

"History is harsh. What is done cannot be undone. With deep repentance in my heart, I stood there in silent prayers for some time," Abe said.

Sexual slavery

But it was Japan's actions in Asia during that war that threatened to overshadow his historic address.

In Congress, Abe was faced with the presence of 87-year-old Lee Yong-Soo, one of the estimated 200,000 Asian women who were forced into sexual slavery by occupying Japanese troops.

She was invited by Democrat lawmaker Mike Honda who is one of many that accuse Abe of downplaying any official role by the country or its military.

Abe expressed his "deep remorse" over Japan's actions toward neighboring Asian nations, but stopped short of a full apology demanded by many.

"Post war, we started out on our path bearing in mind feelings of deep remorse over the war," he told the joint meeting.

"Our actions brought suffering to the peoples in Asian countries. We must not avert our eyes from that."

That angered some in Congress, including Honda, who said it was "shocking and shameful" that Abe "continues to evade his government's responsibility for the systematic atrocity that was perpetrated the Japanese Imperial Army."

Democrat Congresswoman Judy Chu said she was "incredibly disappointed" that Abe did not directly address the issue of comfort women.

"Without responsibility and remorse, it is impossible to move forward."

Republicans were less scathing, with Senator John McCain lauding a "historic recognition of two peoples reconciled with their shared history."

These same lawmakers must grant President Barack Obama authority to ink a vast trans-Pacific trade deal that includes Japan, the United States and 10 other countries.

Abe threw his weight behind that pact, which faces opposition on the left of the political spectrum.

"We cannot overlook sweat shops or burdens on the environment," Abe said, framing the deal as more than just an economic tool.

It "goes far beyond just economic benefits. It is also about our security. Long-term, its strategic value is awesome. We should never forget that."

"We can spread our shared values around the world and have them take root: the rule of law, democracy, and freedom."