This Article is From May 11, 2012

Shoe hurled at Norway's mass murderer Andres Breivik during trial

Oslo: The trial of Anders Behring Breivik was interrupted briefly on Friday when one of the victim's relative hurled a shoe at the confessed mass killer before being escorted from the court room.

It was the first outburst from the normally subdued crowd watching the terror trial in Oslo's district court since the proceedings began in mid-April.

33-year-old Breivik admitted killing 69 people at a youth summer camp on Utoeya island and eight in a bomb attack in Oslo on 22 July 2011.

Journalists watching the proceedings in the court room and through a live broadcast at the court's press center said the man got up and took of his shoe and threw it at Breivik, but missed. The shoe hit the chair of one of his defense lawyers, Norwegian broadcaster NRK said.

The man yelled "go to hell" and "you killer" before he was escorted out of the court room by security guards, a Swedish journalist watching the trial in the press center told The Associated Press.

"Some spectators were uncomfortable. Some started crying. Many clapped their hands," Lindahl said.

It wasn't immediately clear who the man was.

The far-right fanatic has admitted to the attacks but pleaded innocent to terror charges, saying the victims were traitors for embracing multiculturalism.