This Article is From Dec 02, 2012

Shooting instructor wounds four in France over noisy party

Sete, France: A shooting instructor in southern France who became enraged at his neighbours for staging a noisy party went on a rampage early Saturday, wounding four people, two of them seriously, police said.

The 49-year-old instructor at a shooting range went to his downstairs neighbours in the town of Sete, asking them to turn down the music at the birthday party they were hosting.

When they declined, he warned, "I am going to go home and I'll be back to kill you," according to local prosecutor Brice Robin.

The instructor made good on his promise at 2:00 am, bursting into the neighbours' apartment and opening fire on party goers, according to police.

When some of them fled the flat, he chased and shot them in the hallway and outside, police said.

One of the wounded managed to call the police before collapsing.

In all, the man wounded three men and one woman. Two of the men were in serious condition.

The condition of a third, which was initially considered serious, has improved while the woman escaped serious injury despite being hit by two bullets.

A child who was sleeping in the apartment at the time escaped injury all together as did a couple that managed to hide under a table during the rampage.

The gunman, described by neighbours as a loner, returned to his flat following the shooting, where he surrendered to police without resisting.

The man told police that he was on medication "because he hasn't been able to sleep" since his working hours changed 18 months ago, forcing him to get up at 4:00 am.
