This Article is From Aug 21, 2009

Soon, tougher immigration laws in UK


Britain may soon implement changes in immigration laws that makes it tougher for non-EU skilled workers coming to Britain on jobs sponsored by companies. The change in rules will affect Indian IT companies which have operations in Britain.

Some of the changes recommended are:

  • Any vacancy be first advertised in the UK for longer than is currently the case
  • Salary levels at which a graduate skilled worker can enter has been raised to 24,000 pounds, raising the required skill level for entry
  • The committee recommends the intra company transfer route should not lead to a right to permanent residence which is allowed at the moment.

Recession, growing unemployment and an upcoming general elections has seen Britain coming down harder on the numbers of immigrants working here or wanting to come work here. This new change in rules is likely to hit Indian IT companies hard who at the moment send around 30,000 IT professionals from India to work here.

Given that Home Office usually accepts the advice given by the MAC, these changes are likely to affect the entire Indian IT sector.
