This Article is From Jan 14, 2013

Special Coverage: Golden Globes 2013

All the action from the 70th Golden Globes. The biggest contenders: Steven Spielberg's Civil War epic Lincoln, Ang Lee's shipwreck story Life of Pi and Kathryn Bigelow's Osama bin Laden manhunt thriller Zero Dark Thirty
Jan 14, 2013 09:32 (IST)
And that's folks. See you on Oscar day
Jan 14, 2013 09:29 (IST)
Giant killer Argo wins Best Picture - Drama and Best Director. Wow!
Jan 14, 2013 09:28 (IST)
And the Golden Globe goes too - Argo!
Jan 14, 2013 09:28 (IST)
So Lincoln and Zero Dark Thirty have only picked up one award each. But wait, Best Picture - Drama is coming up.
Jan 14, 2013 09:20 (IST)
Daniel Day-Lewis wins Best Actor - Drama for Lincoln. No surprises there!
Jan 14, 2013 09:19 (IST)
And lucky Jess gets her award and a hug from gorgeous George (who's middle-aged self was voted better looking than his younger self by Tina and Amy)
Jan 14, 2013 09:18 (IST)
Jessica Chastain wins Best Actress - Drama for Zero Dark Thirty
Jan 14, 2013 09:17 (IST)
Tina and Amy have changed into the dresses they wore on the red carpet. And George Clooney is onstage now
Jan 14, 2013 09:17 (IST)
Haha yes!
Jan 14, 2013 09:13 (IST)
Les Miserables wins the face-off with Silver Linings Playbook. What will happen at the Oscars?
Jan 14, 2013 09:11 (IST)
All rise for Les Miserables, Best Picture - Comedy/Musical
Jan 14, 2013 09:07 (IST)
Kate Hudson and Best Actor nominee Ewan McGregor - this picture was posted by @goldenglobes on Twitter

Jan 14, 2013 09:05 (IST)
Les Miserables scores 2 acting awards for Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway. Oscars next? Django Unchained also has 2 wins. 1 each for Argo, Silver Linings Playbook and Life Of Pi
Jan 14, 2013 09:02 (IST)
Yay! Hugh Jackman wins Best Actor - Comedy/Musical for Les Miserables
Jan 14, 2013 09:01 (IST)
He's introducing Silver Linings Playbook, which is up for Best Picture - Comedy/Musical and has already won Best Actress for Jennifer Lawrence
Jan 14, 2013 08:59 (IST)
Ooh, Batman's here
Jan 14, 2013 08:59 (IST)
Winner backstage - Anne Hathaway (Bst Supporting Actress for Les Miserables) and Claire Danes (Best TV Actress - Drama for Homeland). This picture was posted by @goldenglobes on Twitter

Jan 14, 2013 08:56 (IST)
A flurry of tweets for Ben Affleck. He beat Steven Spielberg, Kathryn Bigelow, Ang Lee and Quentin Tarantino for Best Director. This, days after he was snubbed in the Oscar nominations. Are you watching, Academy?
Jan 14, 2013 08:54 (IST)

Jan 14, 2013 08:53 (IST)
Lena Dunham strikes again! Girls wins Best TV Series - Comedy/Musical
