This Article is From Aug 31, 2015

Strong Hurricane on Track to Spare Hawaii


This August 30, 2015 NOAA satellite images show three storms in the Pacific Ocean L-R: Hurricane Kilo, Hurricane Ignacio and Hurricane Jimena all in the Pacific Ocean. (AFP)

Los Angeles: Hurricane Ignacio moved menacingly closer to Hawaii on Sunday but the worst of the powerful storm should spare the American archipelago, according to latest forecasts.

With maximum sustained winds of near 135 miles per hour (215 kilometers) the National Weather Service has Ignacio - a category-four hurricane - continuing northward of the islands. Category five is the highest on the scale.

After initial fears of a Hawaii landfall, the latest reports put the hurricane 430 miles from Hawaii and continuing on a northwest course out to sea, although it will still cause strong winds and rain to drench Hawaii.

A tropical storm watch is in place on the islands of Maui, Molokai, Lanai and Kahoolawe.

The storm should start to lose power on Tuesday, forecasters said.