This Article is From May 10, 2017

Syria Kurds Say US Decision To Arm Them Will Hasten ISIS Defeat

A spokesperson for the Kurdish YPG party has praised the US move to arm them, saying it will hasten the defeat of ISIS.


The Kurdish fighters hope to play a more influential role in fighting ISIS (Reuters)

Hasakeh: Kurdish fighters battling ISIS in Syria said Wednesday that the "historic" US decision to provide them with arms and military equipment would speed up the jihadists' defeat.

Washington said Tuesday it would provide weapons and equipment to the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), which is a key force in the fight against ISIS in Syria.

"From now on, after this historic arming decision, our units will play a more influential, powerful, and decisive role in fighting terrorism at a faster pace," YPG spokeman Redur Xelil said in a statement.

He said the move had come "somewhat late," but would still "provide a strong impetus" to all forces fighting ISIS.

The YPG makes up the bulk of the Syrian Democratic Forces, an alliance of Arab and Kurdish fighters advancing on the northern city of Raqa, the last main stronghold for ISIS in Syria.

The SDF receives air support and training from the US-led coalition and is backed by special advisors on the ground.

Until Tuesday, official US policy was to supply weapons only to the Arab components of the SDF.

"The US decision to arm the YPG... is important and will hasten the defeat of terrorism," SDF spokesman Talal Sello told AFP.

Sello said the US announcement "is the result of the effectiveness of the YPG and SDF in the fight against terrorism".

The US decision has however angered Turkey, which views the YPG as a "terrorist" group because of its ties to the outlawed Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK).

"The supply of arms to the YPG is unacceptable," Deputy Prime Minister Nurettin Canikli told A Haber television.

"Such a policy will benefit nobody," he said. "We expect that this mistake is to be rectified."