This Article is From May 03, 2009

The global fight against swine flu

New Delhi: Swine flu has become a global disease and the number of affected is growing by each hour. And while the situation in India may be under control for the moment, that is certainly not the case elsewhere in world.

After affecting many countries the world over, the deadly virus entered Asia through Hong Kong where an entire hotel has been quarantined after a guest tested positive.

China has suspended all its flights to Mexico -- the country where it all began. Air France is also refusing to fly to Mexico and wants all the European countries to suspend flights till the situation gets better.

French authorities have been saying that their country is one of the better prepared to deal with the virus. Even the manufacturers of Tamiflu and Releza medicines -- approved by the WHO in fighting the flu -- have said they have enough stocks to cover more than half the French population.

Meanwhile, in Mexico, there is a shutdown, which is now starting to worry citizens and authorities. Millions are trapped inside their homes under stringent government restrictions. Even the schools, playgrounds, parks and other amusements have been closed.

In the midst of all the panic, US president Barack Obama is trying to allay fears.

"It may turn out that H1N1 is running its course like ordinary flu, in which case, we will have prepared and we won't need all these preparations," Obama said in his speech.

The confirmed cases of swine flu in the US now stand at over at 140. However, the US health officials have said the virus lacks genes that made the Spanish influenza that hit the United States in 1918 so deadly.

The flu has grown so much that the World Health Organisation has said a pandemic is imminent.

The swine flu crisis in the UK could be more serious than thought earlier. So far, all the confirmed cases have been of those who have travelled to Mexico or the US.

The government and hospitals are now preparing to contain the outbreak on a war footing.