This Article is From May 28, 2009

Timothy J Roemer to be new US Ambassador to India


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President Barack Obama has nominated Timothy J Roemer RPT Timothy J Roemer, a former Democrat Congressman from Indiana and a member of 9/11 commission, as the new US Ambassador to India.

The announcement in this regard was made by the White House on Thursday along with a dozen diplomatic posts, including nomination of Patricia A Butenis as the new US Ambassador to Sri Lanka.

"I am grateful that these distinguished Americans have agreed to help represent the United States and strengthen our partnerships abroad at this critical time for our nation and the world. I am confident they will advance American diplomacy as we work to meet the challenges of the 21st century," Obama said in a statement referring to a host of abassadorial appointments.

Presently, Roemer is the president of the Center for National Policy (CNP) - a Washington-based think tank. Before joining CNP, he represented the 3rd District of Indiana for six terms as a US Congressman, from 1991 to 2003. He was appointed as a member of the 9/11 Commission, investigating the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States by former President George W Bush.
