This Article is From Sep 29, 2022

Watch: Turkish Singer Chops Off Hair To Support Iran Anti-Hijab Protest

The death of Ms Amini sparked outrage in Iran where many women chopped their hair in protest and burned their hijabs. 

Watch: Turkish Singer Chops Off Hair To Support Iran Anti-Hijab Protest

Melek Mosso was cheered on by the audience as she chopped off her hair

Turkish singer Melek Mosso cut her hair onstage in solidarity with Iranian women protesting the brutal killing of Mahsa Amini. Amini, 22, was arrested by Iran's morality police for wearing her hijab improperly and not covering her hair completely. She slipped into a coma in custody and later died. 

Her death has sparked huge protests in Iran, with many women chopping their hair in public and burning hijabs. 

In a clip she shared on Twitter, Mosso cuts her hair on stage as the crowd cheers her on. 

Amini was in Tehran with her family to visit relatives when she was apprehended by the morality police. As per medical evidence, she suffered several violent blows to the head, which put her into a coma. However, according to a Euronews report, Iran's authorities stated that she "suffered a sudden heart attack". Amini's cousin, who lives in Iraq, alleged that she died due to a “violent blow to the head”.

Since her death, scores of women have taken to the streets burning their headscarves in rallies, chopping off their hair, and chanting "zan, zendegi, azadi" or "woman, life, freedom". The demonstrations have continued for more than 10 consecutive days, even as Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi has vowed “decisive action” against the protesters.

At least 41 people have died in the uproar. A young protester named Hadis Najafi was allegedly shot dead recently in Iran. A video of the woman had gone viral, where she ties her unscarved hair back and boldly joins an ongoing protest. Najafi was reportedly shot in the abdomen, neck, heart and hand.
