This Article is From Oct 05, 2016

UN Chief Ban Ki-Moon To Run For South Korea's Presidency: Former Minister

UN Chief Ban Ki-Moon To Run For South Korea's Presidency: Former Minister
A former minister said UN chief Ban Ki-moon was certain about running for South Korean presidency.
Seoul: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will run for South Korean president next year, a former Prime Minister was quoted by political sources on Wednesday.

"I think Ban has clearly made up his mind," the Korea Times quoted Kim Jong-pil, a former Prime Minister and an iconic conservative politician, as saying during a meeting with close figures last week.

Kim, however, declined to comment further on the background of the remark. Kim met Ban personally during the UN head's visit to South Korea in May.

Ban has been cited as one of the potential candidates for the country's presidential race slated for late 2017, although he has never expressed a clear stance on the speculation. His second five-year term as UN chief expires at the end of this year.