This Article is From Dec 11, 2010

UN climate talks: Decisions at a glance

UN climate talks: Decisions at a glance
Cancun: Here's a look at the chief elements of Saturday's decisions of the annual conference of parties to the UN climate treaty:

Green climate fund

To establish a Green Climate Fund to support developing nations in obtaining clean energy technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and to adapt to potentially damaging climate change - by shifting agricultural practices, for example, and building seawalls against rising seas. Richer nations have promised $100 billion a year by 2020, but the Cancun decision does not identify specific sources of financing, which will be subject to continuing talks.


To promote efforts in poorer nations to protect their climate-friendly tropical forests, with the prospect of financial compensation from richer nations. The final text contained weakened or vague compromise language on financing, monitoring and oversight, requiring still further negotiation on this complex, controversial plan.

Technology transfer

To establish a Technology Executive Committee under the treaty to analyze needs and policies for transfer to developing nations of technology for clean energy and adaptation to climate change, and a Climate Technology Center to build a global network to match technology needs and suppliers.

'Anchoring' pledges

To inscribe in conference UN documents the voluntary pledges made by some 80 nations under the 2009 Copenhagen Accord to rein in their greenhouse gas emissions. The decision also urges developed nations to "increase the ambition" of those targets.

Monitoring pledges

To strengthen the reporting requirements and review of emissions-reduction actions by both developed and developing countries, to verify they are being carried out effectively. Developed nations also would improve reporting on climate-related financial support to poorer nations.
