This Article is From Apr 13, 2012

UN Security Council 'deplored' North Korea rocket launch

UN Security Council 'deplored' North Korea rocket launch
United Nations: The UN Security Council on Friday "deplored" North Korea's attempted rocket launch, but stopped short of using tougher language.

The US ambassador to the top UN body, Susan Rice, said the council "deplored this launch" as a violation of UN resolutions. This was more moderate than stronger condemnations issued separately by Western powers.

Ms Rice said council members "agreed to continue consultations on an appropriate response" to North Korea. However, she gave no indication of the timing or nature of possible responses.

The failed attempt by North Korea to fire a long-range rocket breached UN sanctions imposed over the isolated state's nuclear weapons tests, according to UN Security Council members.

The rocket disintegrated soon after blastoff in a major embarrassment for the reclusive communist state and fledgling nuclear power.
