Civilians driven out of Buulomareer town by Al Shabab (AFP PHOTO/AMISOM Photo/Tobin Jones)
United States military forces launched air strikes against the leader of Somalia's Al-Qaeda-linked Shebab, the government said on Tuesday, but gave no details if the attack was successful.
"The Americans carried out a major air strike targeting a gathering by senior Al-Shebab officials, including their leader Abu-Zubayr," said Abdukadir Mohamed Nur, governor for southern Somalia's Lower Shabelle region. The Pentagon have confirmed an "operation" was carried out.
Abu-Zubayr is the often used name for Shebab supreme commander Ahmed Abdi Godane, listed by the US State Department as one of the world's eight top terror fugitives.
"The Americans carried out a major air strike targeting a gathering by senior Al-Shebab officials, including their leader Abu-Zubayr," said Abdukadir Mohamed Nur, governor for southern Somalia's Lower Shabelle region. The Pentagon have confirmed an "operation" was carried out.
Abu-Zubayr is the often used name for Shebab supreme commander Ahmed Abdi Godane, listed by the US State Department as one of the world's eight top terror fugitives.