This Article is From Aug 04, 2009

US to transfer Guantanamo detainees

Washington: Barack Obama government officials are analysing the possibilities of transferring several prisoners from Guantanamo, Cuban south east, to a facility in United States, revealed The Washington Post newspaper.
According to the newspaper citing unidentified official sources on Monday the jail will contain courtrooms to hold federal trials and military commissions to prosecute terrorist suspects. The maximum-security facility would assume responsibility for different sets of inmates considered dangerous and house for those released who have no country willing to accept them, commented the publication.

Experts said administration planners are looking for one site for the facility have focused on the military prison at Fort Leavenworth and a state maximum-security prison in Standish as possible places. The maximum-security facility would be jointly run by the departments of Defense, Justice and Homeland Security, assured the morning newspaper.

Each of them assuming responsibility for different sets of inmates added the note. In one of his first acts in the White House, Obama signed an executive order that committed his administration to closing Guantanamo Bay within one year.

But those plans have run into fierce political opposition, including from some Democrats, and have prolonged internal debates about how to formulate detention policy.