This Article is From May 16, 2022

Weapon-Wielding Mannequins Deployed In Ukraine To Drive Russian Troops From Kharkiv

The mannequins are well-armed with fake rifles and other makeshift weapons aimed at whoever decides to attack them.

World News Edited by

It is unclear who dressed and placed the mannequins in their positions. (Representative Photo)

Decoy mannequins dressed as soldiers have been deployed in certain areas of Ukraine, days after Ukrainian troops appeared to have pushed Russian forces out of Kharkiv. 

According to Newsweek, the mannequins are well-armed with fake rifles and other makeshift weapons aimed at whoever decides to attack them. They are positioned north of Kharkiv in order to confuse attacking Russian forces. It is still unclear who dressed and placed the mannequins in their positions. 

This comes as there are multiple reports of Ukrainian fighters defending Kharkiv, driving the Russian troops back to the border. The city has endured heavy shelling by Russian forces since the war began on February 24. Several malls and department stores have been destroyed in the process, leaving much behind in the rubble. 

Meanwhile, it is to mention that using mannequins as decoy troops during the war is nothing new. Newsweek reported that Russia also used mannequins in this war for trickery against Ukraine. Russia even claimed that Ukraine used mannequins to present as dead bodies to fool the international community. 

Last month, Rosiya24, a Russian state-owned TV network, claimed that Ukrainian soldiers were prepping a mannequin to sensationalise the “theatre of war”. It said that the Ukrainian military was wrapping dummies in scotch tape, with a “clear purpose” of presenting it as dead bodies. 


Moreover, military strategist Justin Crump previously told The Times of London that decoy troops were “mostly effective against helicopters and aircraft". Mr Crump informed that Serbia also used mannequins in 1999 during the Kosovo war. 

Coming back to the situation in eastern Europe, it is to mention that the ongoing war in Ukraine will enter its 13th week - a quarter of a year - on Wednesday with no clear end in sight. 
