Pakistanis are fretting over the blocking of YouTube for some hours by authorities to prevent people from seeing a video in which President Asif Ali Zardari told an unruly section of a gathering to "shut up".
The video clip that has been cross-posted at several websites shows Zardari saying a forceful "shut up" to members of the audience while delivering a speech at a recent rally.
The blocking of YouTube by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority figured prominently on Twitter and several new versions of the 'shut up' video have surfaced and are being circulated.
One "remixed" clip has Zardari talking to the audience with a dialogue by Amitabh Bachchan playing in the backdrop, followed by the Black Eyed Peas song "Shut Up".
Adil Najam, editor of a popular magazine, wrote: "If authentic, and it seems to be, the video is striking, but also sad to see. There is not much that one can say by way of comment. Such behaviour is embarrassing for any politician, but especially for the President of a country."
Najam was the first the post the video on his website.
The video clip that has been cross-posted at several websites shows Zardari saying a forceful "shut up" to members of the audience while delivering a speech at a recent rally.
The blocking of YouTube by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority figured prominently on Twitter and several new versions of the 'shut up' video have surfaced and are being circulated.
One "remixed" clip has Zardari talking to the audience with a dialogue by Amitabh Bachchan playing in the backdrop, followed by the Black Eyed Peas song "Shut Up".
Adil Najam, editor of a popular magazine, wrote: "If authentic, and it seems to be, the video is striking, but also sad to see. There is not much that one can say by way of comment. Such behaviour is embarrassing for any politician, but especially for the President of a country."
Najam was the first the post the video on his website.